Vector Clock 2019独角兽企业重金招聘Python工程师标准>>> Vector clock是Dynamo用来解决数据一致性问题的一个算法,前提是遵循NRW理论,通过保证W+R>N保证强一致性,具体实现如下。 在写文件时,Vector Clock算法记录所有的更新版本,当读操作发生的时候返回多个版本,由客户端的业务成来解决这个版本冲突并合并各个版本。
Clock-Gating cell contains an input logic and latch circuit, a Keeper logic/signal production circuit and an output driver. The input logic/ latch circuit generates an internal release signal on the basis of a first and a second input release signal and generates a first internal signal on ...
How about integrated clock gating cell(ICG)? I only know that latch will use many resources to implement it, and global clocks aren't too much. I only know that FPGA will use many resources to implement a latch. Global clocks aren't too much to support all clocks. ...
To avoid this, a special kind of clock gating cells are used, that synchronizes the EN with a clock edge. These are call integrated clock gating cells or ICG. There are two commonly used ICG cell types. Using AND gate with high EN ...
Complex Clock Gating with Integrated Clock Gating Logic Cell Rani Bhutada,Chair of Microelectronics, IMTEK, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Georges-Koehler-Allee 102, 79110 Freiburg, Yiannos Manoli Chair of Microelectronics, IMTEK,Albert-Ludwigs-University, Georges-...
United States Patent US10819342 Note: If you have problems viewing the PDF, please make sure you have the latest version ofAdobe Acrobat. Back to full text
INTEGRATED CLOCK GATING CELL FOR CIRCUITS WITH DOUBLE EDGE TRIGGERED FLIP-FLOPSA double edge triggered circuit includes a clock gater responsive to a clock signal and an enable signal to output a gated clock signal, a first double edge triggered flip-flop that launches a data signal in response...
当EN低电平时,GCLK保持高。注意,锁存器输出在或门输入端是反向的。所以当EN高电平时,在时钟上升沿锁存器Q=1,GCLK=CLK=1;时钟跳变为低电平后,GCLK=CLK=0。如此循环。 欢迎交流!如果喜欢点个赞吧~ 注释翻译自: