由芝加哥大学的《原子科学家公报(英语:Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists)》杂志于1947年设立,标示出...
Define atomic clock. atomic clock synonyms, atomic clock pronunciation, atomic clock translation, English dictionary definition of atomic clock. n. An extremely precise timekeeping device regulated in correspondence with a characteristic invariant freque
Atomic Scientists Need to Stop the Clock
The decades-old international symbol, described by the University of Chicago-based nonprofit the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists as a metaphor that shows how close the planet is to reaching "human extinction," is set every year. In January 2024, the clock was set at 90 seconds to midnight, the...
末日钟是由《原子科学家公报 》(Bulletin of the AtomicScientists)杂志于 1947 年所设立,旨在象徵核武威胁的紧迫性。在杂志的封面上,有个指针快指向午夜的时钟,好似原子弹的倒数计时一般。 该想法是由参与「曼哈顿计画」(Manhattan Project)──由美国主导、在二战期间从事核武开发的军事工程──的科学家所提出。
Since then,the clock has been a powerful way to show humanity how close the world is to catastrophe due to human action.To maintain this clock,every year twenty members of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists gather together and assess the biggest threats to humanity.When scientists looked back at...
Today’s most accurate atomic clock would take around 30 billion years to lose even one second.
The first film about the Doomsday Clock and the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists that created it in 1947 - to warn and inspire action on the greatest threats to mankind: nuclear war, climate change and digital disinformation. Read more: Plot summary Directors Dirk K. van den Berg | ...
Science Scientists Simulated a Quantum Apocalypse Experts Found Some of Europe’s Oldest Ancestors A Metal Detectorist Just Found ‘Devil’s Money’ LiDAR Can Now Recognize You From a Kilometer Away This Ghost Story Could Have a Geologic Explanation ...
On Tuesday, the clock was set at 90 seconds until midnight — the closest to the hour it has ever been, according to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, which created the clock in 1947. Midnight represents the moment at which we will have made Earth uninhabitable for humanity. ...