(First officer) Korie's gaze strays automatically to the clock —abruptly he checks himself. (It isn't my relief that's coming.) The thought echoes rudely in his mind. The bridge of the starcruiser is a bowl-shaped room. The wide door at the rear of it slides open to admit four ...
1". They managed to market about 10,000 of them before going bankrupt. The unit had an "Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Meter", "Two-Mode Weather Station" (thermometer and barometer), "Colorimeter" (no wavelength given), "Light meter", and "Stardate Clock and Timer" (a clock and timer)....
et al. A microfabricated atomic clock. Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 1460–1462 (2004). Article CAS ADS Google Scholar Kondo, R., Tojo, S., Fujimoto, T. & Hasuo, M. Shift and broadening in attenuated total reflection spectra of the hyperfine-structure-resolved D2 line of dense rubidium ...
His idea, broadly speaking, was that if atoms were frozen to a near standstill and squeezed into a tight enough space, the atoms would behave like electrons in packed energy shells, with no room to shift their velocity, or position. If photons of light were to stream in, they wouldn’t ...
Instant when the data was acquired, in three formats: 1) character string, parsable by strptime(3); 2) struct timespec containing time since the UNIX epoch; 3) 64-bit unsigned integer with RF clock count, if applicable. Instance of a scalar, vector, or structured (cluster) data type, ...
However, the broad spectrum is a manifestation of the superfluidity in the system, and its width can be explained by the number fluctuation of the SF components in each lattice site (see equation (7)). Furthermore, the coexistence of the discrete and broad peaks directly reflects the ...
Americans have become comfortably numb to the looming threat of a nuclear Armageddon. And yet theBulletin of Atomic Scientist’sDoomsday Clockcontinues to tick ever closer to midnight precisely becausewe persistin building and deploying ever more nuclear weapons with no significant thought to either th...
The doubled firing pin hummer hit both cylinders in the 6 and 12 o'clock positions but hit and ignite the right cartridge only when it aligned with it matching barrel. The Cobray is a break open revolver with swappable cylinders, unfortunately the removal and replacement of cylinders is ...
Your chief engineer will technobabble some stuff about "bypassing the safety protocols", but this will not require laying new cables or replacing clock chips — it just requires a few pokes at the control console. This is often achieved by applying more power. It's even possible to do it...
These guys plan out an operational schedule on a 24 hour clock, so the 6 hours of your 18 hour day that are allotted to sleeping/relaxing are filled with drills and/or training about half of the time. I know this is hard to imagine, and it is, and only until a person undergoes ...