The responses suggest that despite patient-physician communication about SEs, there is a need to help patients find reliable information about their treatments online as well. Finally, patients' willingness to stop or continue treatment in the event of various SEs, including cardiovascular or oncologic...
IMBRUVICA® (ibrutinib) Prescribing Information. 7. Vernooij RWM, Willson M, Gagliardi AR. Characterizing patient-oriented tools that could be packaged with guidelines to promote self-management and guideline adoption: a meta-review. Implement Sci. 2016;11(52):1-13. doi:10.1186/s13012-016-...
While our study has the limitation of following a single patient, we believe the insights are valuable to understanding cancer. Methods Patient information. The subject was diagnosed with CLL after a 1972 medical visit, when she presented with persistent upper respiratory infections (WBC ¼ 9,700...
CLL main pathogenic pathways and target agents against BTK, PI3K and Bcl-2. BCR signaling is induced by the recognition of an antigen or by self-binding, Lyn promotes the phosphorylation of Iga and Igb that activates the spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk). Syk then triggers the formation of a mu...
(B) Forest plots of investigator-assessed CR rates across patient subgroups by baseline characteristics in the all-treated population. DOCR, duration of CR; ECOG PS, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status; FISH, fluorescence in situ hybridization; ORR, overall response rate; nPR, ...
Another way to improve the care is by increasing knowledge of our patients with hematologic malignancies of their disease; this might be achieved by patient's organizations. If patients don't have the right information, they won't try to access the right treatment. Therefore, it is essential ...
This site is intended for US Healthcare Professionals I am a Healthcare Professional Proceed to site I am a Patient or Caregiver Visit Patient site FeedbackWe would like to collect your personal information, some of which may be considered sensitive personal information, such as health data, ...
BTKis are a mainstay in CLL treatment, with patient-specific considerations ultimately driving physicians’ choice of agent. Selection depends on AEs, comorbidities, ease of administration, prior lines of systemic therapy, drug-drug interactions, cost, and resistance profile. In patients with a histo...
From a clinical perspective, a key question is whether the additional information that genomic and epigenomic screening provides in this group is likely to improve patient outcome. Although it would be unwise to draw general conclusions from this small study, it does offer three examples where scree...
Find info for patients about RITUXAN® (rituximab) medication for RA, NHL, CLL, GPA, MPA, and PV. See full safety and Boxed Warning for more information.