Just doing a little Memory tweaking on my Apex mb today and wonder what does changing the DRAM CLK Period Setting from auto to a set number do,is it ok to tweak this,I have found post at another site saying DRAM CLK Period: Can really affect performance and yet overclocking...
对于图中的clk mux,首先create两个clk create_clock-name clk_1 -period$clk_period$clk1_src_pin-add create_clock -name clk_2 -period$clk_period$clk2_src_pin–add clk1和clk2异步,mux后产生的时钟不用创建派生时钟只需设置异步关系即可 set_clock_groups -asynchronous -name clk_async -group “clk...
选择一个定时器(例如定时器0),并配置其工作模式以产生所需的CLK周期。 定时器的工作模式可以根据需要选择,例如自动重载模式或定时中断模式。 c void Timer0_Init(unsigned int period) { // 配置定时器0为16位自动重载模式 AUXR |= 0x80; // 定时器0时钟1T模式 TMOD &= ~0x01; // 清除定时器0模式...
基于initial语句产生普通时钟信号,parameter clk_period = 10;reg clk;initial begin clk = 0; ___;endA.always #(clk_period/2) clk = ~clkB.forever #(clk_period/2) clk = ~clkC.always #(clk_period) clk = ~clkD.forever #(clk_period) clk = ~clk的答案
CLK: Digital input Master clock input (fCLK). SCLK: Digital input/output Serial clock input, Modulator clock output. 芯片主时钟, 和通信时钟, 没有直接的相关性 tCLK CLK period (1/fCLK) 范围 37 ~10,000 ns, 也就规定了最低主频 100Khz...
SSInFss line is returned to its idle High state one SSInClk period after the last bit has been captured. However, in the case of continuous back-to-back transmissions, the SSInFss signal must be pulsed High between each data word transfer because the slave select pin ...
aDevice 2 will be monitoring the line. After some period of no activity on the wire it will notice the start bit. After that, Device 2 will sample the wire in the middle of the CLK period (i.e., at the high-to-low transition) to obtain the next data bit. After n bits have bee...
I plan to connect DP83867IR RGMII interface to my FPGA design. And I want to receive RX_CLK and RXD signals edge-aligned (without internal delay in PHY) and add 2ns shift to RX_CLK internally in FPGA by means of PLL. As I see in datasheet RX_CLK period can vary fr...
#50 MHz板时钟约束NET“INIT_CLK_i”TNM_NET = INIT_CLK; tiMESPEC TS_INIT_CLK = PERIOD“INIT_CLK”20 ns HIGH 50%; 关于我所期望的,看看我看到的文档 INIT_CLK用于寄存和去抖PMA_INIT信号。 INIT_CLK不能来自GTX / GTH收发器,应设置为慢速,最好慢于参考时钟。
create_clock -period 3.0 [get_ports clk] 这句语句中表示的是clk时钟频率是() A、333MHz B、3MHz C、3.3MHz D、3.0MHz