摩托罗拉SITE/BTS参数中,“clk_src_fail_reset_period”的参数概念是MMS端口的退服计数器清零周期,决定多长时间对MMS的退服次数计数器进行清零。 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: 8253芯片中,CLK是什么信号? 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: 8254工作于方式1时,当门控信号上升沿到来后的()时刻,输出信号OUT变成低...
Adjust 127999 if using a different base clock frequency. Example 2: Use the generated clk_en to enable the logic that would typically run on the 390 Hz clock: verilog always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin if (!reset_n) begin slow_logic_state <= 0; end else if (clk_...
你的配置没什么问题。 还有就是注意下这个函数IfxGtm_Tom_Ch_getClockFrequency 里面的 IfxGtm_Cmu_getFxClkFrequency 有点问题,...
* -Refresh Period = 1024*REFRESH/DACC Clock * -No max Speed Mode * -Startup time of 0 periods of DACClock */dacc_set_timing(DACC, DACC_REFRESH,0, DACC_MR_STARTUP_0);/* Set TIO Output of TC Channel 1 as trigger */dacc_set_trigger(DACC,2);/* Set to half word transfer */dac...
Timerout period配置为1ms,表示每个tick是1ms;关于tick的概念,后面会提到。Timer counter size默认为32位。Hardware options可以自行配置;因为此处只是用到了sys_clk_timer服务,所以选择默认选项之一Simple periodic interrupt即可,即简单的周期中断。关于Timerout period的概念,手册中的介绍如下,大家可自行阅读。
I use RGMII 1000BASE-T interface. I assume that RX_CLK stability is equal to PHY crystal oscillator frequency stability which is +-50ppm from datasheet requirement. So RC_CLK period can vary 7.9996..8.0004 ns due to the clock stability. It is much less then specified range ...
If you are using FTM in PWM mode I'd recommend you to check whether you are using Center-Aligned PWM or Edge-Alined mode as the formulas to calculate the period are different (chapter 26.4.6 and 26.4.7), I think that's where you are getting half of the expect...
to keep the supported clients working - the simulated system clock advances only on select(), poll() or usleep() calls, this means the client sees the CPU as infinitely fast - adjtimex() frequency and tick changes happen immediately, the kernel has infinite HZ - adjtime() and PLL updates...
create_clock -name "div2_clk" -period 25.000 [get_registers {frequency_divider:frequency_divider_inst|clk_div2}] create_generated_clock -divide_by 2 -source [get_registers {frequency_divider:frequency_divider_inst|clk_div2}] -name div4_clk [get_registers {frequency_divider:frequency_divider_...
a这件案子与我无关 This case has nothing to do with with me [translate] aModulator selection. These bits define how often the f DCO+1 frequency is used within a period of 32 DCOCLK 调制器选择。这些位定义多久 f DCO+1 频率在一段 32 DCOCLK 内被使用 [translate] ...