[1] 其变体包括:宽领带(Ascot tie)、领结(Bow tie)、博洛领带(Bolo tie)与卡夹式领带(Clip-on tie)。现代的领带、宽…www.poba.tw|基于18个网页 2. 夹式领结 各行业专业英语词汇 -... ... bow 蝴蝶结;蝶形领结 clip-on tie 夹式领带,夹式领结 pointed end bow 两端成三角形的领结 ... bbs.fob...
应用场景: 这个短语在日常生活中的使用场景很多,比如描述如何佩戴夹式耳环、领带夹等,或者是在说明如何将某个小装置夹在衣服、包包或其他物品上。 造句例句: 请帮我把这个领带夹clip on我的领带上。 Please help me clip on this tie clip to my tie. 我喜欢这种clip on的耳环,很方便佩戴。 I like these ...
As we remember that letters to the North Pole take an extra 19 cents in postage,we might also recall that it was on this date in 1928, in Clinton, Iowa, that the clip-on tie was invented. source
• I was damned if some nineteen-year-old pipsqueak with zits and a clip-on tie was going to make me feel loathsome.• The interviewer wore a short-sleeved white shirt and clip-on tie, which made him look like a used-car salesman....
5. At a nearby hotel one of the doormen buttons Porter's top shirt button and slipsonhisclip-ontie. 附近一家旅馆的门卫替他扣上衬衣最上面一粒纽扣,戴上用别针别上的领带。 youdao 6. Nuance's latest program runsona physician's desktop, recording speech using aclip-onmicrophone. ...
Make sure you only ever wear a quick release clip-on tie unless you want to end up getting strangled by your own tie. However, some cabbies are up in arms over plans for them to wear clip-on ties instead, which they say still represent a danger. So put that on, and dig out some...
clip-on在《PONS词典》中的词汇 单语范例(未经PONS编辑处理) clip-on在《牛津英西词典》中的词汇 词条clip-on在英语»西班牙语中的译文 (跳至西班牙语»英语) 结果列表 clip-on[美ˈklɪpˌɔn,英ˈklɪpɒn]形attr clip-ontie/brooch/sunglasses ...
I asked Ondre, a Mormon guard, if he looks forward to the Judgement Day. He said, “Sometimes, when the city and the job get to be too much. That’s when I say, ‘I don’t care if the Lord comes today,’ even if I’m not ready.” ...
The elderly woman wore gaudy clip-on earrings. The young man wore a purple clip-on tie. 在这些条目还发现'clip on': 在英文解释里: binding WordReference.com WORD OF THE DAY disturb | numb GET THE DAILY EMAIL! 成为WordReference的支持者,浏览网站再也不受广告的打扰。