名称clip-on 英语解释 a device (as an earring, sunglasses, microphone etc.) that is attached by clips attachable by a clip 相似短语 clip on ammeter钳形电流表 clip tovt.夹在...上 clip onvt.夹住,夹上,戴得住 floor clip flooring clip木楼板龙骨夹 ...
Noun1.tie clip- a piece of jewelry that holds a man's tie in place jewellery,jewelry- an adornment (as a bracelet or ring or necklace) made of precious metals and set with gems (or imitation gems) Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Fa...
Currently there is a consultation taking place through the school leadership council to investigate whether the upper school should have a plain gold clip-on tie. en.wikipedia.org The batteries were contained within a clip-on cassette that took several minutes of careful preparation. ...
Make sure you only ever wear a quick release clip-on tie unless you want to end up getting strangled by your own tie. nounˈklɪpɒnˈklɪpˌɔn Things, especially sunglasses or earrings, that are attached by clips. 可夹上之物(尤指夹式墨镜或夹式耳饰) these clip-ons are...
2.(intr) to be attached by means of a clip:this clips on here. adj designed to be attached by means of a clip:a clip-on bow tie. pl n sunglasses designed to be clipped on to a person's spectacles Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCol...
textured Louis Vuitton signature monogram on toile canvas. The case has a 3/4 wrap around brass zipper that opens to a beige microfiber interior with four straps to hold two ties and a case for tie clips. This is a marvelous case that is as practical as it is chic from Louis Vuitton!
clip-ontie/brooch/sunglasses queseengancha clip-onearrings declip 相关的个性化匹配翻译 togivesbacliponorroundtheear darleunatortaoruntortazoaalguien俗 词条clip-on在西班牙语»英语中的译文 (跳至英语»西班牙语) clip<pl clips>名词m 1.1. clip(sujetapapeles): ...
clip-on 听听怎么读 英[ˈklɪpˌɔn, -ˌɔ:n] 美[ˈklɪpˌɑn, -ˌɔn] 是什么意思 adj. 可用夹子夹住的; 英英释义 clip-on[ 'klipɔn ] n.a device (as an earring, sunglasses, microphone etc.) that is attached by clips...
Noun1.clip-on- a device (as an earring, sunglasses, microphone etc.) that is attached by clips device- an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose; "the device is small enough to wear on your wrist"; "a device intended to conserve water" ...