1. 尝试 Tools | Resync withRemote Hosts 若不能解决问题 参考如下面 可能由于远程文件是 引用其他文件不能准确找到文件2. CTL+SHIFT+A 输入注册 之后 勾选clion.remote.tar.dereference 看是否解决问题 失败后 继续尝试下面步骤。 (clion 一般将远程的相关头文件缓存至本地,方式为先将缓存打成tar包然后下载到...
到这里还没完,当远程Linux环境下安装第三方库的时候,本地是引用不到的,此时可以手动点击Tools ->Resync with Remote Hosts 还可以自动引入,Help->Find Action,输入 搜索选中resync 可以修改写文件测试本地和docker内是否同步。然后运行工程发现 编译路径不是同步的路径?想想也合理,远程编译(配置个远程编译环境Toolchain...
修改之后再Tool -> Resync with remote hosts,如果还是不行就把本地缓存删掉重新Resync。 本地缓存一般在C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Local\JetBrains\CLion2021.1\.remote下,在Problems中也可以看到缓存路径(一般是` Cannot open file ***路径,Permission Denied)...
Resync with Remote HostsCopy heading link In the full remote development mode, the CLion instance runs locally and synchronizes header search paths from the remote machine to the local host (to resolve the code correctly in CLion). Triggering the synchronization of the header search paths on ever...
如果你在使用CLion的远程开发功能,并且头文件位于远程服务器上,确保远程工具链和同步设置正确。你可以通过Tools -> Resync with Remote Hosts来重新同步远程文件。 通过以上步骤,你应该能够定位并解决CLion编译找不到头文件的问题。如果问题仍然存在,请检查CLion的日志文件或联系JetBrains支持以获取更详细的帮助。
Note that you need to callResync with Remote Hostsmanually for every change in your project dependencies or compilers. You can also switch to automatic synchronization: set theclion.remote.resync.system.cachekey in the Registry (go toHelp | Find Actionor pressCtrlShift0A, typeRegistry, and searc...
local host (to resolve the code correctly in CLion). Previously, we’ve triggered the synchronization of the header search paths on every CMake reload, which might be a time-consuming task. Now the resync is performed only when triggered manually, by calling Tools | Resync with Remote Hosts...
- Temporarily turning on the "clion.remote.resync.system.cache" setting When I went back and disabled the "clion.remote.resync.cache" setting and did "Tools -> Resync with Remote Hosts" manually again, it seems to have done the trick. Thank you so much for your time and help Anna. ...
File -> Reload CMake Project Tool -> Resync with Remote Hostsubuntu制作SD启动卡 ↩︎ 全志H3 | 移植主线最新uboot 2023.04和kernel 6.1.11到Nanopi NEO开发板 ↩︎ ↩︎ usbwifi网卡mt7601u驱动配置 ↩︎ Uboot命令 ↩︎ Ubuntu rootfs customization ↩︎ Ethernet device not ...
If CLion loses connection with the VM, run Tools->Resync with Remote Hosts. If that option is not available, run Tools->CMake-Reload CMake Project. It is possible for the project to get into an inconsistent state that will disrupt file syncing. In some cases, CLion will be unable to ...