rsyncis required to be installed on a remote host in case your local machine is macOS or Linux, when Windows is used as a local machine – CLion usessftpandgzipcompression to synchronize the sources. We know there are many other cases for remote development and we are planning to extend ou...
Full Remote Modein CLion requiresrsync(for macOS/Linux clients) ortar(for Windows clients) installed on a remote machine. CLion now verifies the tool is installed and provides a warning on the corresponding remote toolchain settings page, which clearly states that“rsync/tar is not installed or ...
Before each run, code will be rsync-ed to the container at a temporary location. The following configuration should be generated automatically after the previous two steps: In your Clion, you should be able to select Debug-Local container in before execution. Add breakpoints in Clion. Happy ...
If you need to make changes to the container you may need to re-run the build step, as well. Consult the Docker docs to be sure, as it’s not always obvious whether a change has taken effect, due to Docker’s extensive caching (usually a good thing). If you do rebuild you’ll p...