This is a single-volume textbook that serves as a review of cardiac magnetic resonance (MR) imaging techniques. Although some of the authors have collaborated previously on another book, Magnetic Resonance of the Heart and Great Vessels, the current text is completely new. The authors are ...
Mowatt et al (2013) evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of MRS and enhanced MRI techniques [dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI), diffusion-weighted MRI (DW-MRI)] and the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of strategies involving their use in aiding the localization of prostate abnormal...
atherosclerosis remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Further research into the development and validation of reliable indicators of the high-risk individual is greatly needed. Carotid MRI is a histologically validated, noninvasive imaging method that can track disease progression and regress...
Track 3:Cardiac Imaging The division ofCardiovascular Imaginginterprets cross sectional imaging studies of the heart and vascular system using Computed Tomography (CT or "CAT" scans) andMagnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) with a volume of more than 2,500 studies each year. BothCTandMRIare non-invasiv...
The ACC report stated that cardiac MRI may be used for assessing left atrial structure and function in patients with atrial fibrillation, and may be useful for identifying pulmonary vein anatomy prior to or after electrophysiology procedures without need for patient exposure to ionizing radiation. The...
PET/MRI is a new hybrid modality which is increasingly being used in clinical settings, although both clinical evaluation and technical optimization are st
Cardiac CT Scanner Technology: What Is New and What Is Next? Key Points Spinal CT has high potential for dose reduction of 50% or more for the majority of clinical applications. Options and limitations of dose reduction are highly dependent on the clinical indications and application-specific tec...
further research and development. Advances in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may also improve the diagnostic yield of neuroimaging. Primary NP SLE may involve cerebral white matter hypoperfusion that is invisible on conventional MRI (cMRI); this hypoperfusion may be revealed if cMRI is ...
(CT) and MRI examinations can show dural ectasia. dorsal arachnoid diverticuli causing scalloped erosions of the posterior vertebral elements, and adhesions of nerve roots of the cauda equina to the wall of the dural sac. Spontaneous atlantoaxial subluxation can rarely be seen in pati...
To localize the cause of a central nervous system deficit seen on exam, but not explained by lesions seen on CT or MRI;or To manage persons with spinocerebellar degeneration (e.g., Friedreichs ataxia, olivopontocerebellar (OPC) degeneration);or ...