Bogaert J, Dymarkowski S, Taylor AM (2005) Clinical cardiac MRI. 1. Springer, BerlinBogaert J, Dymarkowski S, Taylor AM: Clinical cardiac MRI 1 Edition Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 2005.Bogaert J, Dymarkowski S, Taylor AM: Clinical Cardiac MRI , Berlin Heidelberg New York, ...
The ECG is one of the most important tools for the screening of athletes and for the identification of inherited cardiac conditions at risk of sudden cardiac death. A recently published international panel of experts released the new ...
Most importantly, structured guidelines are provided on the interpretation of clinical data in the wide range of cardiac pathology that can be encountered. Throughout, the emphasis is on the implementation of cardiac MRI in clinical practice. Clinical Cardiac MRI (Medical Radiology 2024 pdf epub ...
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a group of genetic disorders in which an abnormal Hb molecule (Hb S) transforms RBCs into sickle-shaped cells, resulting in chronic anemia, vasoocclusive episodes, pain, and organ damage. Sickle cell trait, which is the heterozygous condition, is the only 1 of...
Image interpretation was performed by 2 radiologists. The total number of tumor voxels and tumor voxels per slice were counted to estimate the tumor volume in every patient. The potential of MR spectroscopy to differentiate between T2 and T3 tumors, based on the estimated tumor volumes, was ...
Magnetic resonance imaging is increasingly being used in the assessment of cardiac function, morphology and structure. When echocardiography does not provide enough information, in these circumstances, the literature suggests MRI may be warranted. Cardiac MRI and coronary CT angiography are superior to ...
“collapse”. We also observed 252 instances in which the expansion appeared adjacent to the labeled abbreviation in the original snippet, indicating that the abbreviation itself was used in a complementary fashion and that the phrase would not benefit from further expansion (e.g. “…mri (...
(94) showed that fully quantitative assessment of stress perfusion MR images outperforms both semiquantitative and qualitative methods of interpretation for identification of obstructive CAD in a cohort of patients (n = 67, 33% women) referred for coronary angiography, with an endocardial-to-...
MRI brain injury was assessed at 6-hr intervals during TH and re-warming. EEG background improved in 49 %, remained the same in 38 %, and worsened in 13 %. A normal EEG had a specificity of 100 % upon initiation of monitoring and 93 % at later time points. Burst suppression and ...
In recent years, transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) has become the leading method for treating aortic stenosis. While the procedure has improved dramatically in the past decade, there are still uncertainties about the impact of TAVR on coronar