Sustainable agricultureAppropriate policyDynamic agriculture, innovative response to weather and climate changeClimate-smart agriculture is a site-specific and knowledge intensive concept that urges the world to pay attention to impacts of climate change on agriculture and food security by promoting ...
Climate-Smart Agriculture: Alliance to Catalyze Transition Incentives through Open Networks (ACTION) for Climate-Smart AgricultureView project ->The Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities program, funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is composed of...
In short, the Guatemalan project illustrates that a focus on the number of farmers adopting CSA can divert attention from the far more important issue, which is to support farmers’ adaptation to climate change, either through making their agriculture-based systems more climate-resilient and/or by...
Climate smart agriculture is a concept that focuses on developing new, sustainable methods of producing food while reducing the effects of climate change.
Climate-smart agriculture Farmer entrepreneurship Adoption Multivariate probit Kenya 1. Introduction Global food production is under serious threat from climate change. Particularly in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) where agriculture is an important sector for economic development, climate change adds another layer...
climate-smart agriculture+ 添加翻译 英文-中文字典 气候智能型农业 Technical and financial support was provided for the design of a project on gender and climate-smart agriculture. 向有关性别平等和气候智能型农业项目的规划提供了技术和资金支持。 UN term 显示算法生成的翻译 ...
has been used to project the effect of removing the subsidy for groundwater extraction, eliminating minimum support price policies for water-intensive crops, and reallocating subsidies to climate-smart technologies such as crop diversification, low tillage, and on-farm rainwater-harvesting ...
train rural women on climate-smart agriculture and maintaining crop diversity. Reaching close to 70,000 rural women in Qinghai, the project saw many emerge as community leaders, lifting food production, incomes and resilience, including climate change and COVID-19. ...
Climate risk profiling was a key input in the design of the US$250 million IDA-World Bank funded Kenya Climate-Smart Agriculture Project, for which Nyandarua is 1 of the 24 target counties. Overall, our climate-risk analysis based on a value-chain approach showed that stakeholders are aware...
On February 7, 2022, U.S. Department of Agriculture announced the availability of $1 billion in grants for Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities through the Commodity Credit Corporation. The purpose of the new program is to support the production and marketing of “climate-smart commodities,”...