Imbach PabloPolicy BriefWorld Bank, CIAT and CATIE. 2014. Climate-Smart Agriculture in Grenada. Washington D.C.: The World Bank.
Natural climate solutions can mitigate climate change in the near-term, during a climate-critical window. Yet, persistent misunderstandings about what constitutes a natural climate solution generate unnecessary confusion and controversy, thereby delaying critical mitigation action. Based on a review of scie...
2016-2017年高产旱作农业较传统旱地种植方式每亩提高收入431.5元,较传统水浇地每亩提高收入111.5元,节约地下水约100吨/亩。 在和林格尔的成功经验基础上,TNC还在巴林左旗开展了气候智慧型农业(Climate Smart Agriculture, CSA)示范项目,以同样的水创造更多的财富(包括自然财富),将生态修复与农牧业生产有机结合。项目采取...
climate,average condition of the atmosphere near the earth's surface over a long period of time, taking into account temperature, precipitation (seerain),humidity,wind, barometric pressure, and other phenomena. Primary Influence on Climate
The strategy, named "Europe 2020," focuses on reducing the negative effects of the crisis and reducing climate change and environmental issues. Additionally, it establishes a vision of achieving smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth. The 20/20/20 Strategy, also known as this strategy, aims ...
climate variables, such as precipitation and temperature, as well as the existence of specific vegetation types. This categorization has shed light on the regional wildfire dangers, particularly in regions like East Gippsland. The observed correlation between this classification and historical burn ...
Climate Change and Human Settlements Edited byRafael E. Pizarro Last update July 2009 City-to-City Co-operation Edited by Marike Bontenbal Paul van Lindert Last update April 2009 Labour in Urban Areas Edited byEdmundo Werna Last update June 2008 ...
factors that determine the requirement, time, and number of waterings of crops. The conditions are determined by calculations based on the biological characteristics of the crops; on the climatic, soil, and hydrological conditions of the area being irrigated; on the irrigation method and equipment;...
Nanotechnology shows potential to promote sustainable and productive agriculture and address the growing population and food demand worldwide. However, the applications of nanotechnology are hindered by the lack of knowledge on nanoparticle (NP) transfor
Twitter Google Share on Facebook precision agriculture Wikipedia [prə‚sizh·ən ′ag·rə‚kəl·chər] (agriculture) The application of technologies and agronomic principles to manage spatial and temporal variability associated with all aspects of agricultural production for the purpose...