These successful examples show the many ways climate-smart agriculture can take shape, and should serve as inspiration for future policies and investments.Neate, P.J.HCgiar Research Program on Climate Change Agriculture & Food SecurityNeate P (2013) Climate-smart agriculture success stories from ...
Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is an emerging concept, which pursues the synthesis of higher crop productivity, lower carbon emissions, and improved soil resilience to the climate change. However, few studies have been done to evaluate the productivity and environmental consequences following the CSA...
Climate smart agriculture is a concept that focuses on developing new, sustainable methods of producing food while reducing the effects of climate change.
it's infrastructure and transportation that leaves people hungry. the solutions, under the banner of climate-smart agriculture, typically involve new types of crops or new techniques for enriching soil and food output. some examples, from a huffington post blogpost written by dr. jonathan wadsworth...
Climate-Smart Agriculture Manual for Agriculture E
Climate-SmartAgriculture 系统标签: agricultureclimatesmartfaomitigationfood Climate-SmartAgriculture:ASynthesisofEmpiricalEvidenceofFoodSecurityandMitigationBenefitsfromImprovedCroplandManagementCLIMATECHANGEAGRICULTUREANDFOODSECURITYMICCAMITIGATIONOFCLIMATECHANGEINAGRICULTUREMITIGATIONOFCLIMATECHANGEINAGRICULTURESERIES3MITIGATIONOF...
billion cubic meters per year and reduce GHG emissions by 23 million metric tons by 2050. The modeling also finds that there will ultimately be no change to Punjab’s budget if subsidies for groundwater extraction are reallocated as incentives for the adoption of climate-smart agriculture ...
We have set ourselves a goal of lowering greenhouse gas emissions by 30% per ton of crop produced by 2030. To achieve this goal, we are actively working on innovating the means, methods, measures, tools and production practices involved in climate-smart agriculture. ...
A.sustainablyincreaseagriculturalproductivityandincomes; B.buildresilienceandthecapacityofagriculturalandfood systemstoadapttoclimatechange,and; C.seekopportunitiestoreduceandremovegreenhousegases (GHGs)whilemeetingtheirnationalfoodsecurityand developmentgoals. Figure1.TheroleofclimateSmartAgricultureinchangesinagricultural...
学术范收录的Journal Climate smart agriculture (CSA)-building resilience to climate change,目前已有全文资源,进入学术范阅读全文,查看参考文献与引证文献,参与文献内容讨论。学术范是一个在线学术交流社区,收录论文、作者、研究机构等信息,是一个与小木虫、知乎