Climate change in Nepal and its impact on Himalayan glacier. Reg. Environ. Change 11 (1), 65e77.Shrestha A, Aryal R (2011) Climate change in Nepal and its impact on Himalayan glaciers. Reg Environ Chang 11(1):565-577Shrestha A.B, 2004: `Climate change in Nepal and its impact on ...
Climate change in Nepal and its impact on Himalayan glaciers. Reg Environ Chang. 2011;11:65–77. Article Google Scholar Silwal CB, Pathak D, Adhikari D, Adhikari TR. Climate change and its possible impact in groundwater resource of the Kankai River Basin, East Nepal Himalaya. Climate. ...
UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 13 (Xinhua) -- More than 39 million U.S. dollars in funding was approved on Wednesday for a project that will build resilience and mitigate the effects of climate change, benefitting nearly 1 million Nepalis, the UN-backed Green Climate Fund (GCF) said. Co-funding ...
There is growing concern about sustainable and equitable adaptation in climate change hotspots, commonly understood as locations that concentrate high climatic variability, societal vulnerability and negative impacts on livelihood systems. Emphasizing gender within these debates highlights how demographic, socio...
Impact of climate change on agricultural production: A case of Rasuwa District, Nepal Binod DAWADI, Anjula SHRESTHA, Ram Hari ACHARYA, Yam Prasad DHITAL, Rohini DEVKOTA Regional Sustainability . 2022, (2): 122 -132 . DOI: 10.1016/j.regsus.2022.07.002 ...
The Greek government has put the management of climate change fallout high on its policy agenda. "We have to move forward with specific infrastructure projects. And we have to look for other sources, such as bringing in the picture renewing our bus fleet with electric fleet, something that we...
Regarding other information about the impact of climate change in the context of Nepal, literature survey was done. Edible molluscs are cheap non-conventional source of protein for huge population of poor ethnic peoples (53 castes living in twenty districts of Tarai in Nepal), from time ...
Gautam HR, Bhardwaj ML, Kumar R (2013) Climate change and its impact on plant diseases. Curr Sci 105(12):1685–1691 Google Scholar Gebrehiwot K (2017) Plant species responses to climate change: a review. Climate Change 3(9):6–19 Google Scholar Gill US, Lee S, Mysore KS (2015)...
While increasing literature demonstrating the direct and indirect impacts of climate change focuses on health, the capacity and preparedness of healthcare systems to deal with these impacts are less frequently considered. Here we performed a systematic a
Water stress will rise in parts of Asia even as glaciers melt and rain pours NatureResearch Highlight14 Jan 2021 Nature Climate Change (Nat. Clim. Chang.)ISSN1758-6798(online)ISSN1758-678X(print) Sign up for theNature Briefing: Anthropocenenewsletter — what matters in anthropocene research, ...