This chapter discusses the different dimensions of climate change in Nepal. Nepal has a negligible share of global Green House Gases (GHGs) emission but increasing at significantly higher rate compared to its fast growing neighboring economies like China, India and Bangladesh. Sector-wise emission ...
Health-sector responses to address the impacts of climate change in Nepal WHO South-East Asia journal of public healthDhimal, M., M.L. Dhimal, R.R. Pote-Shrestha, D.A. Groneberg and U. Kuch, 2017. Health-sector responses to address the impacts of climate change in Nepal. WHO South-...
UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 13 (Xinhua) -- More than 39 million U.S. dollars in funding was approved on Wednesday for a project that will build resilience and mitigate the effects of climate change, benefitting nearly 1 million Nepalis, the UN-backed Green Climate Fund (GCF) said. Co-funding ...
Besides, new environmental threats that can be attributed to climate change are emerging and adversely affect poverty in Nepal. However, it comes with a remarkable potential to generate significant amount of revenue from international climate change regimes through mitigation effort, which also has ...
4 (Xinhua) -- Nepal has ratified the Paris Agreement on climate change here on Tuesday, aiming to make a contribution towards combating global climate change. The Paris Agreement on climate change was approved unanimously at a House session in the Nepali Capital Kathmandu. Earlier Tuesday, ...
B. (2012). Institutional and technological innovation: Understanding agricultural adaptation to climate change in Nepal. Applied Geography, 33, 142–150. Chetri D. K., Nepali Karki, D. B., Sah, R. & Devkota N. R. (2011). Transhumance effect on husbandry practices and physiological ...
By contrast, France and Nepal exemplify a more fluid understanding, where the need for residual emissions owes to ‘the current state of knowledge’ and with the expectation that technological advancement might change this. Sweden explicitly mentions the ambition to minimize residual emissions as much...
Global climate change is one of the many complicated issues we face today in our world, including in South Asia. Nepal in particular is highly vulnerable as average annual temperatures are forecast to increase by about 1°C within 20 years and by more than 2.0°C within 50 years. While ave...
Climate Change (CC) adaptation and mitigation policy coherence (PC) across sectors is essential to effectively address CC challenges and support synergies. Pakistan is highly vulnerable to CC. In this paper, the extent to which Pakistan’s national and provincial water, agriculture, and energy secto...
Smallholder farmers’ responses to the climate-induced agricultural changes are not uniform but rather diverse, as response adaptation strategies are embedded in the heterogonous agronomic, social, economic, and institutional conditions. There is an urgent need to understand the diversity within the farm...