CLIENT_RESULT_CACHE_SIZE = integer [K | M | G] デフォルト値 0 変更可能 いいえ PDBで変更可能 いいえ 値の範囲 0以上。上限は、オペレーティング・システムによって異なる 基本 いいえ CLIENT_RESULT_CACHE_SIZEには、クライアントのプロセスごとの結果を設定するキャッシュの最大サイ...
Don Hite has aVBS Script To Change A Remote SMS Clients Cache Size, but I wanted to do it with PowerShell: $Cache = Get-WmiObject -namespace root\ccm\SoftMgmtAgent -class CacheConfig$Cache.size = 10240$Cache.InUse = "True"$Cache.Put()Restart-Service ccmexec I added line ...
Software updatesalso use the client cache, but software updates are not restricted by the configured cache size and will always attempt to download to the cache. You can configure the client cache settings when you install the Configuration Manager client manually. You can also do that when you ...
使用CacheSize属性可以控制一次从提供程序检索到本地内存中的记录数。 例如,如果CacheSize为 10,则在首次打开Recordset对象后,提供程序会将前 10 条记录检索到本地内存中。 在Recordset对象中移动时,提供程序将从本地内存缓冲区中返回数据。 在通过缓存中的最后一条记录后,提供程序将立即从数据源中将接下来的 10 条...
Even though we have increased the size of the ccmcache via Control Panel > Configuration Manager, we still get the Error Code 0x87D01202 (-2016407038) "the content download cannot be performed because the total size of the client cache is smaller than the size of the requested content" The...
intreplayCacheSize = settings.ReplayCacheSize; 備註 Nonce是「使用一次的數位」,通常是驗證通訊協定中使用的亂數字,以確保舊通訊無法使用重新執行來攻擊。 如果超過 Nonce 計數,傳入訊息就會遭到拒絕並擲回MessageSecurityException。 舊的 Nonce 會及時移除。
I.02/14 10:49:26.Minimum cache size:49152K,maximum cache size:262012KI.02/14 10:49:26.Using a maximum page size of 4096 bytesI.02/14 10:49:26.Starting database "jhdw" (/home/sybiq/jhdw/jhdw.db) at Tue Feb 14 2012 10:49I.02/14 10:49:26.Database recovery in progressI....