Configure client cache sizeThe Configuration Manager client cache on Windows computers stores temporary files used to install applications and programs. If this option is set to No, the default size is 5,120 MB.If you choose Yes, then specify:Maximum cache size (MB) Maximum cache size (...
PowerShell to change ConfigMgr Client Cache size 项目 2009/02/12 Don Hite has a VBS Script To Change A Remote SMS Clients Cache Size, but I wanted to do it with PowerShell: $Cache = Get-WmiObject -namespace root\ccm\SoftMgmtAgent -class CacheConfig$Cache.size = 10240$Cache....
For more information, see Configure the client cache. Size and maintenance of the cache applies to peer cache sources. For more information, see Configure client cache size. Consider the size of larger content such as OS upgrade packages or Windows express update files. Compare your need for ...
SMSCACHESIZE Specifies the size of the client cache folder in megabyte (MB) or as a percentage when used with the PERCENTDISKSPACE or PERCENTFREEDISKSPACE property. If this property is not set, the folder defaults to a maximum size of 5120 MB. The lowest value that you can specify is 1...
[asp-net]客户端缓存(Client Cache) (佚名,08-17)> 客户端缓存(Client Cache) 通常在服务器端大家都已经做了很多缓存的工作…|基于45个网页 2. 客户机高速缓存 OCI一致客户机高速缓存(OCI consistent client cache),也称为客户机高速缓存(client cache),允许客户机上缓存查询结果。我们 … ...
cli.UseClientSideCaching(newClientSideCachingOptions{//Client cache capacityCapacity=3,//Filtering rules, which specify which keys can be cached locallyKeyFilter=key=>key.StartsWith("Interceptor"),//Check long-term unused cacheCheckExpired=(key,dt)=>DateTime.Now.Subtract(dt)>TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2...
rbd_persistent_cache_size=1073741824rbd_persistent_cache_path=/mnt/pmem/cache/ Test methods and results RBD bench Use rbd bench to test cache from empty state to cache full state. Here is an example command: rbd bench --io-typewrite--io-pattern rand --io-total 1024M testimage ...
client_max_body_size client_max_body_size 默认 1M,表示 客户端请求服务器最大允许大小,在“Content-Length”请求头中指定。如果请求的正文数据大于client_max_body_size,HTTP协议会报错 413 Request Entity Too Large。就是说如果请求的正文大于client_max_body_size,一定是失败的。如果需要上传大文件,一定要修改...
配置参数 全局配置项 client_max_memory_size 更新时间:2024-08-26 23:00:00 client_max_memory_size用于设置客户端会话的最大动态分配内存大小。 属性描述 参数类型容量单位 默认值8MB 取值范围[8KB, 64MB] 是否重启 ODP 生效否 联系我们 AI助手