解释"multi-statements are not allowed"错误的含义 "multi-statements are not allowed"错误意味着在ClickHouse中执行了多条SQL语句,而ClickHouse默认不支持在同一个查询中执行多条SQL语句。 分析可能导致该错误的原因 查询末尾添加了多余的分号:在ClickHouse中,每个独立的查询语句末尾不需要分号,如果添加了分号,可能会被...
使用Clickhouse的客户端查询数据时末尾添加";"报错, 执行语句: select * from system.settings where name='max_execution_time' ; 1. 报错信息如下: Code: 62, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Syntax error (Multi-statements are not allowed): failed at position 92 (end of query) (line 1, col ...
Inconsistent behavior (but not a big deal), reported in #50357 (comment): /.clickhouse-client -q "select 1; select 2" -- Code: 62. DB::Exception: Syntax error (Multi-statements are not allowed): failed at position 9 (end of query): ; sel...
Code: 62, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Syntax error (Multi-statements are not allowed): failed at position 82 (end of query) (line 1, col 82): ; 1. 2.5 启动ClickhouseServer sudo systemctl start clickhouse-server 2.6 启动ClickhouseClient source /etc/profile(可选) 连接本机服务器的cl...
Code: 62. DB::Exception: Syntax error (Multi-statements are not allowed)To overcome this limitation, you could use the role query parameter instead: curl -sS "http://localhost:8123?role=my_role" --data-binary "SELECT * FROM my_table;"This...
https://discuss.redash.io/t/clickhouse-multi-statements-are-not-allowed-errors-how-to-debug/5713/3 Mobile & Desktop Screenshots/Recordings (if there are UI changes) kravets-levko, denisov-vlad, and bazhenov reacted with thumbs up emoji ...
(oldList); //似乎不支持,错误信息:Multi-statements are not allowed Thread.Sleep(100); long count = session.Queryable<PeopleFace>().Where(t => t.ExtraInfo == newExtraInfo).Count(); Console.WriteLine(count + "条已更新"); Assert.IsTrue(count > 0); } #endregion #region 测试批量修改 ...
Customer understands and agrees that any features or functions of ClickHouse Cloud referenced on any ClickHouse website, or in any presentations, press releases or public statements, which are not currently available or not currently available as a GA release, may not be delivered on time or at ...
specified sizeinrows,ifblocks are not big enough.--min_insert_block_size_bytes arg Squash blocks passed toINSERTquery to specified sizeinbytes,ifblocks are not big enough.--min_insert_block_size_rows_for_materialized_views arg Like min_insert_block_size_rows,but ...
Meta: create session: OOM command not allowed when used memory > 'maxmemory'. To avoid this problem, you should first monitor the status of ClickHouse merge.clickhouse-exportercollects a merge metricclickhouse_merge, which captures the number of merges that are currently triggered (by querying the...