flink这个报错是怎么回事?clickhouse : Table engine Distributed doesn't support mutations. (NOT_IMPLEMENTED) (version爱喝咖啡嘿 2022-12-11 19:41:54 3854 3 发布于辽宁 举报飞天免费试用计划 领取免费云资源,开启云上实践第一步 实时计算 Flink 版 5000CU*H 3个月 额度3个月内有效 立即试用2...
else if (query.group_by_with_totals || query.group_by_with_rollup || query.group_by_with_cube) throw Exception("WITH TOTALS, ROLLUP or CUBE are not supported without aggregation", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED); // 准备执行: // 1. before windows函数 // 2. windows函数 // 3. after wi...
*/ virtual void work() { throw Exception("Method 'work' is not implemented for " + getName() + " processor", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } Node和Edge ClickHouse在执行Pipeline之前会把Pipeline转化为ExecutingGraph,简单理解就是把pipeline中每个processor转化为node。pipeline中DAG图的每条连接在转化...
elseif(query.group_by_with_totals||query.group_by_with_rollup||query.group_by_with_cube) throwException("WITHTOTALS,ROLLUPorCUBEarenotsupportedwithoutaggregation",ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED); //准备执行: //1.beforewindows函数 //2.windows函数 //3.afterwindows函数 //4.准备DISTINCT if(from_agg...
ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } else if (expressions.need_aggregate) { executeExpression(query_plan, expressions.before_window, "Before window functions"); executeWindow(query_plan); executeExpression(query_plan, expressions.before_order_by, "Before ORDER BY"); executeDistinct(query_plan, true, e...
DB::Exception: ASOF join over right table Nullable column is not implemented. (NOT_IMPLEMENTED) (version select * from test_left ASOF left join (select rec_id_right,testA_right,valid_from_right,testB_right from test_right) as test_right on test_left.rec_id = test_right.rec...
While ClickHouse Keeper aims to be fully compatible with ZooKeeper, there are some features that are currently not implemented (although development is ongoing): create does not support returning Stat object create does not support TTL addWatch does not work with PERSISTENT watches removeWatch and re...
2019.12.01 15:11:15.197119 [ 1 ] {} <Information> Application: TaskStats is not implemented for this OS. IO accounting will be disabled. 2019.12.01 15:11:15.197530 [ 1 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening http://[::1]:8123 ...
2021.11.23 16:46:27.467927 [ 71536 ] {} <Information> Application: TaskStats is not implemented for this OS. IO accounting will be disabled. 2021.11.23 16:46:27.468522 [ 71536 ] {} <Information> Application: Listening for http://[::1]:8123 ...
- test (not for production usage) [1]: https://github.com/pocoproject/poco/blob/poco-1.9.4-release/Foundation/include/Poco/Logger.h#L105-L114 --><!-- 设置日志等级 --><level>trace</level><!-- 设置日志路径 --><log>/var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log</log><!-- 设置...