↘Progress:117.88thousand rows,60.67MB (18.12thousand rows/s.,9.33MB/s.) ████▌ (1.2CPU,152.95MB RAM)4%Exception on client: Code:33. DB::Exception: Cannot read all data. Bytes read:171757. Bytes expected:604103.:whilereceiving packet from192.168.1.172:9000. (CANNOT_READ_ALL_DATA) ...
(CANNOT_READ_ALL_DATA) (version (official build)) (from x.x.x.x:48908) (in query: SELECT operationName FROM <db>. WHERE serviceName = 'xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx' GROUP BY operationName ORDER BY operationName LIMIT 10000), Stack trace (when copying this message, always include the...
e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Cannot read all data. Bytes read: 2538. Bytes expected: 33102.: (while reading column date): (while reading from part /var/lib/clickhouse//data/xxxx/orgs_stats_views/20190101_20190118_9742_9747_1/ from mark 14 with max_rows...
Code: 33. DB::Exception: Cannot read all data. Bytes read: 171757. Bytes expected: 604103.: while receiving packet from (CANNOT_READ_ALL_DATA) Connecting to as user default. Connected to ClickHouse server version 22.3.2 revision 54455. 1. 2. 3. ...
异常1:Code: 6. DB:Exception: Cannot prse string '2022-11-22 14:42:37.025' as DateTime:syntax error at position 19...从提示的信息看,它表示时间2022-11-22 14:42:37.025不能转换成DateTime类型。 异常2:Please consider to use one and only one values expression, for example: use 'values...
当default 用户具有 default 角色时,写数据一切正常,但是将 default 用户的角色切换为 readonly 时则被告知:Cannot execute query in readonly mode。当然,如果我们在 default 角色对应配置中也加上1,那么具有该角色的用户同样也会无法写数据。 在所有的角色配置(profile)中,名称为 default 的 profile 将作为默认的...
Code: 164. DB::Exception: Received from localhost:9000. DB::Exception: Cannot modify 'max_memory_usage' setting in readonly mode. rows in set. Elapsed: 0.005 sec. dba :) Bye. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ...
--max_query_size arg Which part of the query can be read into RAM for parsing (the remaining data for INSERT, if any, is read later) --interactive_delay arg The interval in microseconds to check if the request is cancelled, and to send progress info. --connect_timeout arg Connection ...
启用写本地表(local.read-write 为true)时,需要设置数据分发策略,支持 balanced/shuffle/hash。如果希望实现数据的动态更新,且表引擎使用 CollapsingMergeTree,则取值必须为 hash,且需要配合 sink.partition-key 一同使用。 取值说明:balanced 轮询模式写入,shuffle 随机挑选节点写入, hash 根据sink.partition-key 的hash...
也就是说,总共执行了接近两个小时才执行完,同时在zookeeper中DDL语句的finished节点下发现报错: "value": "159\nCannot execute replicated DDL query, timeout exceeded" 询问ai(这里相当于重新给我理清楚了一下定位问题的思路) This error message indicates that a distributed DDL (Data Definition Language) qu...