/ability 赋予或剥夺玩家的能力。 /clear 从玩家物品栏中删除物品。 /clone 将特定区域的方块复制到另一处。 /connect /wsserver的替代命令,连接至WebSocket服务器。 /deop 撤销玩家的管理员权限。 /difficulty 设置难度等级。 /effect 添加或移除状态效果。 /enchant 附魔玩家的物品。 /execute 执行另一命令。 /...
pantheraleo A popular Java program these days is Minecraft. I love it myself. But it has cases where, when memory consumption hits 700 MB or so, the game gets insanely choppy. This is the garbage collection happening. It sucks. It’s unusable. That sounds like bad programming to me. Pr...