Examples: because she was tired This clause is incomplete. It does not express a complete thought. (We need more information to understand the full meaning.) if it rains tomorrow This is also incomplete and does not express a complete thought. (What will happen if it rains?) A dependent ...
Easy Examples of Noun Clauses I knowthatthe storyistrue. I sawhowthe accidenthappened. I understandwhyitwasnecessary. I knowwhosaidthat. (Often, the opening word (i.e., "how," "that," or the "wh"-word) is the subject of the noun clause.) ...
Examples: She is hungry. I am feeling well today. Adependent clausecannot stand on its own. It needs an independent clause to complete a sentence. Dependent clauses often begin with such words asalthough, since, if, when,andbecause.
Both of the above adjective clause examples are correct, but one is missing the relative pronounthat. In certain situations, you can get rid of the relative pronoun and thegrammaris still correct. When is it OK to remove a relative pronoun?If the relative pronoun acts as the subject in the...
Examples of Nonessential Adjective Clauses 1. My friend Kara,who made an A on our math test today, is coming over to help me study. (not essential to the meaning of the sentence) 2. I am going to the movies with Kevin,who has already seen three movies this summer!
Boilerplate clauses examples simplify creating standard parts of a legal contract. They act as a reference for drafting basic parts of a contract. 3 min read Boilerplate clauses examples simplify creating standard parts of a legal contract. They act as a reference for drafting basic parts of...
I hope my tips and examples help you understand the types of clauses in English. Learning the basics of clauses will help you produce variety and accuracy in your writing. I promise! Clauses can be divided into four: declarative, interrogative, exclamative, and imperative. We can also catego...
Types of clauses Principal or Main Clause, Subordinate Clause and all. Clauses and its types, types of clauses in english grammar, examples of clauses, clause types, types of clauses in english,...
Examples and Observations of Noun Clauses "When Mrs. Frederick C. Little's second son arrived, everybody noticedthat he was not much bigger than a mouse." — E.B. White,Stuart Little, 1945 "What I like doing most of all in the evenings, these days,is sitting in a gormless stupor in...
Clauses:BuildingBlocksforSentences Andherearesomeexamplesofindependentclauses...1.Independentclauses:©CapitalCommunityCollege •Glaciersoftenleavebehindholesintheground.•Theseholesarecalledkettles,andtheylookjustlikescooped-outpots.•Glaciersalsoleavebehindenormousdepositsofglacial“garbage”;thesedepositsarec...