In this pair of examples, we have two clauses to look at. In example (a) we have a noun clause functioning as a direct object, and a noun clause that is a subject. In example (b), the first clause is an adjective clause modifying ‘cousin’, and the second clause is anadverb cla...
(Here, the noun clause is a subject complement.) I will givewhat you saidsome thought. (Here, the noun clause is an indirect object. That's pretty rare.) Real-Life Examples of Noun Clauses Light knowswhen you are looking at it. ("Light and space" artist James Turrell) ...
Nominal Clauses as Direct Objects "All sentences, then, areclauses,but not all clauses are sentences. In the following sentences, for example, thedirect objectslot contains a clause rather than anoun phrase. These are examples ofnominal clauses(sometimes called 'noun clauses'): I knowtha...
Noun Clause Examples #8) It’s important to think aboutwhy we make certain decisions. (Why we make certain decisionsis a noun clause. It contains the subjectweand the verbmake. The clause acts as an object of the prepositionaboutin the sentence.) ...
Also known as a nominal clause .Two common types of noun clause in English arethat -clausesand wh- clauses:?that -clause : I 2、 believe that everything happens for a reason.?wh- clause : How do I knowwhat I think, until I seewhat I say ?See Examples and Observations below.Also...
Also known as anominal clause. Two common types of noun clause in English arethat-clauses andwh-clauses: that-clause: I believethat everything happens for a reason. wh-clause: How do I knowwhat I think, until I seewhat I say? See Examples and Observations below. Also see: Practice ...
Let’s look at a few more examples: She askedif he was coming to the party. They are debatingwhether to go on a vacation. Tell mewhat you need. In these examples, the noun clauses are introduced by “if,”“whether,” and “what,” respectively. ...
Also known as anominal clause. Two common types of noun clause in English arethat-clauses andwh-clauses: that-clause: I believethat everything happens for a reason. wh-clause: How do I knowwhat I think, until I seewhat I say? See Examples and Observations below. Also see: Practice ...
A Noun-Clause is a group of words which contains a Subject and a Predicate of its own and does the work of a noun.Examples:• I often wonderhow you are getting on with him.• He feared thathe would fail.• They repliedthat they would come to this town.• Do you knowwho ...
See these examples: Wherever you want to eatis fine with me. We should askwhen the food will arrive. I wonderif it will snow next week. Why do we Use Noun Clauses? Noun clauses take the place of an noun in a sentence. They do this because they express an idea better than a sing...