Miracle in Sderot: Prayers save students from Kassam. Rocket scores direct hit on empty classroom while high schoolers attend morning services.JOSHUA BRANNONTALYA HALKIN
Interim L.A. Unified School District Superintendent Vivian Ekchian issued the following statement: "Our thoughts and prayers are with those who were hurt in today's shooting incident at Sal Castro Middle School, and with all the students, families and employees on the campus." Los Angeles Count...
The community gathered at the school on Friday morning to pray for Rogers. Her husband, Eugene Rogers, was recently hired as Corsicana High School's head football coach. "Our prayers are with Mrs. Rogers and her family, but also the family of the student, those in the classroom at the t...
Grandma while we played with her hair. I played Folsom Prison on my phone and her leg tapped. We asked her yes/no questions and she squeezed our fingers or lifted her hands. She made faint eye contact between naps. Looking back, I think our prayers for peace turned to prayers of hope...
nib dipped into an inkwell. Fine handwriting was considered important, so much time was spent practicing letter and word formation. Geography was taught using a globe. Arithmetic skills were learned with an abacus. There was often time during the day for Bible reading, prayers and hymn singing....
The second chapter, “Dissolving Beauty” shows us that brains aren’t the only thing Yuuma’s prayers corrupt. He has moved on, and has taken what was once a young high school beauty as his girlfriend. With every compliment he purportedly piles onto her she degrades and decays, and end...
Dyck's class built a replica of the Western Wall on the school's entrance wall, and students put messages and prayers on the "bricks" just as people do in Jerusalem. (Note: Learn more about thehistory of the Western Wall.) Dyck's class also discussed the invisible "walls" that people...
The great requiems of the past by composers such as Mozart, Verdi, and Berlioz interpret the sacred requiem text literally, offering prayers of salvation for the departed, whose souls are assumed to be in purgatory facing a terrible judgment. Eternal Light: A Requiem, by the Emmy Award-...