So, as the new school year rolls around, here are seven back-to-school prayers for your teen to grow in faith and wisdom. Day 1: Hebrews 10:35-11:1 Father, I pray you will fill (my teen) with confidence in Your Truth. Help them persevere when they face trials, trustin...
As my child is exposed to the world view of our modern culture, guard his heart and mind for what is good and innocent. Protect him from evil. Help him to be gentle, loving and focused on the things that are praiseworthy. Teach him to pray, not just rote prayers before meals, but t...
School prayers for tragic Alisha FAREWELL: Teachers comfort children upset over arson horror
It is a major issue whether or not students should be allowed to pray in school but I personally believe prayer should be allowed, for the simple fact that prayer in school produces an environment of discipline and respect for the founding fathers of this nation. It's also an important ...
One kindergartner at Renovo Elementary, Andrew Kramer, expressed his thoughts in a heartfelt prayer: “Dear God, I pray for Brody, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Stimpson, my classmates, and all the teachers. I love school.” Similar prayers were voiced by students throughout the event. The See You ...
Back to School Prayers for Moms: Lord, I thank you that you care for my children more than I possibly could. I am thankful that you see and know everything. There is nothing that escapes you. You are the God who sees my heart and knows the hopes and concerns this mom has for her...
The school was assembled for evening prayers, some threescore boys representing for the most part the well-to-do middle class of a manufacturing county. At either end of the room glowed a pleasant fire, for it was February and the weather had turned to frost....
home room,homeroom- aclassroominwhichallstudentsin aparticulargrade(orin adivisionof agrade)meetatcertaintimesunderthesupervisionof ateacherwhotakesattendanceanddoesotheradministrativebusiness lecture room-classroomwherelecturesaregiven room- anareawithinabuildingenclosedbywallsandfloorandceiling;"theroomswereverysma...
例:College students turn their tassel ceremony at the commencement. 大学生们在毕业典礼上参与拨穗礼。 学位服 学位服一般被称为cap and gown,即学位帽和学位袍。 披在背后的垂布,被叫做hood(坎肩)。 学位帽的另一种说法是mortarboard,这是学位帽...
I had eaten only a little food the day before. But on that morning, the only food we got was burned porridge. It was so awful that we could not eat it, so we left the dining room with empty stomachs. After breakfast came a happy time of day, when the students could play and talk...