Classification – The Vertebrates Learning Outcomes: All students- Will be able to describe the characteristics of the animals in the vertebrate groups. Most Students- Will be able to use the characteristics of different animals to sort them into groups. Some Students - Will be able to explain w...
4. Nematodes: Roundworms Have long thin, round worm like bodies Most are free-living, however some are parasitic and can cause major health concerns. Simplest organisms to have a complete digestive tract. 5. Annelida Have round, segmented bodies. Which is beneficial for movement, can move...
CLASSIFICATIONOFFIBRES Thehistoryoffibresisasoldashuman civilization.Tracesofnaturalfibreshave beenlocatedtoancientcivilizationsall overthegobe.Formanythousandyears, theusageoffiberwaslimitedbynatural fibressuchasflax,cotton,silk,wooland plantfibresfordifferentapplications. ...
Unit 1: Plant Origins & Classification Edible Plants Concentrated portions of a plant Seeds, fruits, tubers, foliage Most important food plants are of the grass family Wheat, rice, corn, sorghum, barley Plant foods consist of 88% of world’s calories, and 80% of proteins Inverse relationship...
Classification Sometimes classification keys are used to identify organisms by traits that are visible However, scientists today now look at how closely members of groups are related. Phylogeny- the study of how living and extinct organisms are related to one another. Clade- A group of species tha...
What is the lifespan of a wolf? Read Next Why Do Animals Have Tails? 7 Questions About Mammals Answered Abundant Animals: The Most Numerous Organisms in the World Why Do Wolves Howl? Discover Who Really Invented Baseball? Falling Far from the Tree: 7 Brilliant Ways Seeds and Fruits Are Dis...