1 Classification of Life Biology 2 Aristotle 384 BC Classified organisms as either plants or animals 3 Carolus Linnaeus Father of Classification Assigned taxa, or groups of related organisms Binomial nomenclature (two name naming system) Homo sapiens 4 5 Classification of Man DomainEukaryaeukaryotes Kin...
属名+种名例:现代人HomosapiensNotice:genusnameisalwayscapitalized.大写 CorrectformforusHomosapiens Incorrectnamingforms Homosapiens homosapiens HomoSapiens Otheracceptablenamingforms:Generally,whenhandwritingsuchnamesoneusesunderlining Homosapiens •Thescientificnameofanorganismgivesbiologistsacommonwayofcommunicating...
Eachorganismhasspecializedcharacteristicssuchascamouflage,feedingstructures,behavior,andgenitaliathatequipittosurvivewellinitsenvironment. Whydoweseediscretespecies? Anoffspringthatresultsfromacrossbetweenmembersoftwodifferentspeciesorbetweenmembersofdifferentpopulationsthathavebeenevolvinginisolationfromeachother,willprobablyhave...
fungi, or even animals. Most protists are made up of only one microscopic cell, but some protists live in large colonies that look like a single organism. Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
be characterized by: 特点是 consolidation: solidification; the process of becoming or the condition of being solid signs of consolidation: 实变征象 Translate it: 其特点是临床或x光检查表现为一侧肺或左右两肺的一部分或数个部分有实变征象。 radiographic radi-: 光线,放射,辐射 radioactivity 放射性 ...
1b. Organism has more than 4 legs Go to # 20 2a. Organism has a tail Go to # 3 2b. Organism has no tail Go to # 35 3a. Organism has stripes Bengal Tiger 3b. Organism has no stripes African Lion Dichotomous Key • Try this one: ...
••••Performer,EltonJohn,singer,humanCattle,organism,mammal,steer,animalMobyDick,literature,novelBrother,familymember,sibling,kin ConceptsandReferents •Wheneverweclassify,wemakeuseofconcepts.Conceptsareideasthatrepresentclassesofthingswehavegroupedtogether.Theyfunctionasmentalfilefolders.Wegroupthings...
Stepsindiagnosticisolationandidentificationofbacteria Step1.Samplesofarestreakedoncultureplatesandisolatedoloniesof bacteriaappearafterincubation.Observationofthesecoloniesforsize,texture,color,and(ifgrownonbloodagar)hemolysisreactions,ishighlyimportantasafirststepinbacterialidentification.Whethertheorganismrequiresoxygenfor...
Dichotomous Key A guide to identifying organisms It is based on statements/questions that will be answered with one of two responses. These responses lead you to other statements until you reach the identity of the organism. 1 A. Metal. go to 2 1 B. Paper. go to 5 2 A. Brown (copper...
Chapter 6: Metabolism and Enzymes The sum total of an organism’s chemical reactions is called metabolism. The chemistry of life is organized into. Basic Concepts of Enzyme Action Stryer Short Course Chapter 6. Overview Enzymes are specialized proteins that function as catalysts to increase ...