Order Lagomorphs Rabbits, hares, pikas 80 species Herbivores Fast moving Reproductive habits similar to rodents Also have a pair of always growing incisor teeth like rodents Have an additional pair of chisel-shaped teeth outside the other pair Order Carnivora: Meat-Eating Mammals Most of the meat-...
Animals without a backbone. Invertebrates Animals without a backbone. Animals with a backbone. Vertebrates Animals with a backbone. Vertebrate or Invertebrate? Mammals Give birth to live young. Feed their babies with their own milk. Are more or less covered with hair. Are warm-blooded. Vertebrate...
Theseareanimalswithabackbone.Therearefivegroupsofvertebrates:AmphibiansBirdsFishMammalsReptiles Amphibians HavemoistskinLayjellycoatedeggsinwaterLivesonlandandwater Birds HavefeathersandhollowbonesLayhardshelledeggsWarmblooded Fish HavewetscalesLayseggsinwater...
hamstersandguineapigs(sagitta)andtypeofguineapigsand thecapybara).Studyofmolecularbiologyinrecentyears,it islowerthanthesimilarityandsimilarityofprimatesorother mammalsandotheragoutirodents,sothatagoutinotrodents, andthetraditionalconceptofrodentchallenge.
• They include a wide range of animals: ape, lions, kangaroos, bats, and etc. • Their young grows inside the mother. • Humans are mammals but they (animals) have more hair than we do. • The hair keeps the animals warm. ...
Chiropptera (bats) – The only mammals that can fly. Examples include free-tailed andvampire bats Cetacea (porpoises and whales) – Examples includekiller whales,dolphins, andhump-backed whales Primates – Includes prehensile hands and feet, commonly with opposable thumbs. Examples includegorillas,ch...
Mammalsareaclassofvertebrateswithhairandtheabilitytoregulatebodytemperature.HerearesomecommonmammalianrelatedEnglishwords:cat,dog,elephant,monkey,deer,wolf,bear,etc.Birds Summarywords Englishwordsrelatedtobirds Detaileddescription Birdsareagroupofvertebrateswithfeathers,wings,andbeaksthatcanfly.Herearesomecommonbird...
1 - $300 Protists are organisms that are neither plants, animals, or fungi. Because of this, they belong to this domain. Eukarya 1 - $400 Paramecium use these tiny hair-like structures for movement. cilia 1 - $500 This is a change in gene frequency over time. evolution ...
Classification Vertebrates Animals with a backbone that surrounds a spinal cord Chordata is the only Animal Phylum with backbones! Vertebrates are divided into classes: Mammals Birds Reptiles Amphibians Fish Mammals Fur or hair covered body Warm blooded Mothers feed the young ...