Classification of Animals Scientists have divided the Animal Kingdom into two main groups: vertebrates (animals with a backbone) and invertebrates (animals without a backbone) Animals with backbones can be divided into five more groups: Vertebrates Animals with backbones can be divided into five mor...
Classification of Animals Jeopardy Characteristics & Classification of Animals Porifera, Cnidaria, & Worms Mollusks, Arthropods, & Echinoderms Fishes & Amphibians Reptiles & Birds $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500...
初中全英课程学习 Classification of Animals Classification Grouping&IdentifyingLivingThings Whyclassify?Thinkofthreeexampleswherewegroupthings.Whydowegroupthesethings?ClassifyingLivingThings Weputlivingsthingsintotwolargegroups:Animals Plants Animals Animalsarespiltintotwomajorgroups:Vertebrates...
Classification of Animals Animals With Backbones MAMMAL FISH REPTILE BIRD AMPHIBIAN • Animals with backbones are called vertebrates. • Vertebrates include many different kinds of animals. They can be found just about everywhere – in oceans, rivers, forests, mountains, and deserts. • Animals...
ClassificationofAgriculturalAnimals Organisms •Identified,grouped,andclassified•Moreeffectivelystudyandcommunicateaboutthem•Plantsandanimalsareclassifiedorgroupedtogetherbycharacteristicstheyhaveincommon Theymaybecharacterizedby •Theusespeoplemakeofthem•Physicalcharacteristics•Othercategoriesusedtoputsimilaranimals...
Each species within the genus is named after its features and characteristics. The names of animals are based in Latin and consist of two words. The first word in the name of an animal will be the genus, and the second name indicates the specific species. This method of organizing scientifi...
Passage 1 When organizing life on Earth into categories, we must remember that organisms are not equally distributed throughout the categories of our classification system. We often think of Earth’s living things as only the plants and animals that live on Earth’s surface. However, the largest...
ClassificationPPT优秀课件 DivisionandClassification 1 UnitObjective •Attheendoftheunityouwill1.becomefamiliarwithfeaturesandorganizational patternsofclassificationinparagraphwriting;2.knowhowtouserelevantwordsorexpressionsin classification;3.beabletowriteparagraphsofclassification accordingtotheinstructionsgiven;and4....
Classification reflects essential attributes – Divided animals by their means of reproduction ( Generation of Animals) ? Scientific warrant – Result of scientific inquiry Liberal arts ? Late classical and medieval classifications are pedagogical ? Educational warrant ? Hugh of St. Victor – Educational...
Featuresofdifferentgroupsofanimals Plants •Includesfloweringplants,mossesandferns •Muticelluar•Cellscontainchloroplasts•Maketheirownnutrition(throughphotosynthesis)•Cellshavecellwallsmadeofcellulose(acarbohydrate)•Theystoreenergyasstarch•Theytransportenergyassucrose –(sucroseisalsostoredinfruits)Animal...