Novella Cuisine Classics Illustrated Is Back, Hoping to Entice Young Readers - and Nostalgic Boomers - with Comic-Book Kipling and ShakespeareJeff Daniel Of The Post-Dispatch
Comic Collection Sale, Golden, Silver, Bronze, Comic Books, Batman, Superman, Spiderman, V-Vendetta, The Clockmen, X-Men, Daredevil, Fantastic Four, Hulk, Captain America, Avengers, Iron Man, Thor, new issues, back issues
Brigsby FIGURINES and BOOKS cover every inch of desk and shelf space. Note: like a Star Wars fanatic's bedroom, but without the accessible charm. Everything here has the warped, homemade quality of the show. James finishes typing, slides the tape into a ILLUSTRATED CASE, then returns it ...
My years as a very young reader fell squarely within the heyday of Classics Illustrated, a 160-plus-volume comic-book series that condensed and simplified great works of literature into 40 or 50 pages of cartoon frames. They might have horrified the original authors, but the little comics ...