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According to the tale, more than 10,000 years ago, a race of shepherd people colonized the banks of the river Ai, in a land called Mnar, forming the cities of Thraa, Ilarnek, and Kadatheron (not to be confused with Kadath), which rose to great intellectual and mercantile prowess. Cra...
He is a 5-time winner of the Seiun Award, and also won the 1999 Bram Stoker Award for his collaboration with Neil Gaiman, Sandman: The Dream Hunters.Amano's influences include early Western comic books, Orientalism, art nouveau, and Japanese woodblock prints. In early 2010, he establi...
An alphabetized list of books—recent releases, stone-cold classics—from Washingtonians past and present.By Stefan Milne and Seattle Met Staff February 18, 2025 Image: Seattle Met Staff This is a city of books. A city that turned a local librarian into a national celebrity. A city where ...
List of famous people from Spain, including photos when available. The people below are listed by their popularity, so the most recognizable names are at the top of the list. Some of the people below are celebrities born in Spain, while others are simply notable locals. If you're from Spa...
Here is the list of books published by one of the most beloved American writers in the 19th century, a lecturer, publisher, and humorist, Mark Twain.
The heart's motive is peaceful resolution of conflict and love in action" ~s.f.heart~ These are the books I and many of my hippie friends read back in the daze. Most were published during that time although some of the books on this list were considered radical classics years before the...
Of Love and Shadows, Isabelle Allende The Earthsea books, Ursula LeGuin The Space Trilogy, C.S. Lewis (some of those have some heavy- so take a look first) Good luck to Hailey! I hope she finds fabulous new characters and stories to love. ...
1364723917 FRANK, ANNE Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl (Enriched Classics Series) USD 3.001364723918 ANGELOU, MAYA The Heart of a Woman USD 4.001499427077 INTERNATIONAL GOLF ASSOCIATION The second annual International Golf Championship Trophy & the fourth annual Canada Cup GBP 36.75...
Your work can have appeared before as small press, webcomic or self-published, and they may be interested in collecting strip work into a single volume. Look at the kind of books that Blank Slate have published previously as an indicator of what they might publish in ...