Translations of "classical Chinese poem" into Chinese in sentences, translation memory Declension Stem Match words all exact any His translations of classical Chinese poems won him the Queen’s Medal for Poetry in 1953 and were not only well received in the academic world but also highly pra...
Chinese words containing the word 古典 ( gudian / gŭdiăn ) : gŭdiănyīnyuè ( 古典音乐 : classical music ), gŭdiănyuè ( 古典乐 : classical music ) Report missing or erroneous translation of gudian in English Contact us! We always appreciate good suggestions and helpful criticism...
文言文翻译(Classical Chinese Translation).doc,文言文翻译(Classical Chinese Translation) 232, Chen Jianyi Godson Chen Yaozi is a member of the Imperial Academy when he, he had an evil horse, not able to master a lot of people playing bites. One mornin
经典中国古文英语翻译(Classical Chinese classical English translation) 经典中国古文英语翻译(Classical Chinese classical English translation) May we all be blessed with longevity. Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together.。 - We wish each other a long life so ...
经典中国古文英语翻译(Classical Chinese classical English translation).doc,经典中国古文英语翻译(Classical Chinese classical English translation) May we all be blessed with longevity. Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon
versions rendered by other people from a foreign language, he translated them into classical Chinese. 他是福建 人,不懂外語,依靠 他人看罷書譯成白話文後,他再改為文言文。 [...] vernacular rather than in Sanskrit, the language in which practically all classical ...
the literal translation, refers to the translation of the original text corresponding word for word and sentence for sentence in modern Chinese words, do content and function words as much as possible the relative. The translation of the corresponding sentence, do content and function words as much...
Dictionary English-ChineseUnder construction classical— 古典 siden— 头n · 方面n · 一面n · 旁n · 一边n · 旁边n · 边厢n · 边儿n sidev— 支持v · 赞助v See more examples•See alternative translations See alternative translations ...
Translations of "classical quotation" into Chinese in sentences, translation memory Declension Stem Match words all exact any William composed his chronicle in excellent Latin for his time, with numerous quotations from classical literature. 威廉在其有生之年,用优美的拉丁文写作他的编年史,而这部作...
especially in ellipsis. "Delete" refers to the deletion of meaningless or unnecessary translation of function words. "Adjustment" refers to the special sentence pattern in classical Chinese according to the requirements of modern chinese. "Guan", with classical Chinese sentence rhetoric way, with thin...