His translations of classical Chinese poems won him the Queen’s Medal for Poetry in 1953 and were not only well received in the academic world but also highly praised by prominent contemporary poets such as Yeats, Pound, Woolf and Mervin. 他英译的中国古典诗歌, 不仅受到汉学家的好评, 也获...
+ Add translation English-Chinese dictionary 古典叙利亚语 ISO 639 Show algorithmically generated translations Automatic translations of "Classical Syriac" into Chinese error Try again Glosbe Translate error Try again Google Translate Add example Translations of "Classical Syriac" into Chinese in ...
A great deal of the CEDICT & the chineselanguage.org (all?) databases have taken their definitions from the Far East Chinese-English Dictionary. It seems that all the character definitions for the chineselanguage database have been lifted entirely from the Far East Chinese-English Dictionary with...
Define classical music. classical music synonyms, classical music pronunciation, classical music translation, English dictionary definition of classical music. In technical musical usage this means music composed during the late eighteenth and early nine
Chinese synonyms: 古典的, 古典 Synonyms: classic Antonyms: nonclassical Of or pertaining to or characteristic of the ancient Greek and Roman cultures. Chinese synonyms: 希腊罗马的, 希腊罗马, 希腊罗马式的, 希腊罗马式 Synonyms: classic, Graeco-Roman, Greco-Roman, Hellenic Of recognized authority or...
Define classicalism. classicalism synonyms, classicalism pronunciation, classicalism translation, English dictionary definition of classicalism. also clas·si·cal·ism n. 1. Aesthetic attitudes and principles manifested in the art, architecture, and lit
Basically the conclusion I have come to so far is that these is not a decent electronic classical dictionary online that can really compare to a hard copy. tooironic Members 1.4k Chinese:HSK六级,NAATI专业翻译证书(汉译英) Location:北京
Translations of "classical liberalism" into Chinese in sentences, translation memory Declension Stem Match words all exact any Classical liberals opposed taxes because they opposed government, taxation being the latter's most obvious form. 古典自由主义者反对税收,因为他们反对管制,税收是最明显的管制...
+ Add translation English-Chinese dictionary 典故 noun CC-CEDICT Show algorithmically generated translations Automatic translations of "classical quotation" into Chinese error Try again Glosbe Translate error Try again Google Translate Add example Translations of "classical quotation" into Chinese ...
Define Classical IP. Classical IP synonyms, Classical IP pronunciation, Classical IP translation, English dictionary definition of Classical IP. Jean or Hans 1887-1966. Alsatian artist and a founder of Dada. He is particularly noted for his abstract reli