Welcome to our Addons guide for Shamans where you will find out what the best addons are for your Shaman in WoW Classic. Classic Addons Guides 1Druid Addons Guide2Hunter Addons Guide3Mage Addons Guide4Paladin Addons Guide5Priest Addons & Macro Guide6Rogue Addons Guide7Shaman Addons Guid...
Druid Runes How to Use the Idol of the Heckler Hunter Runes Mage Runes How to Decipher Mage Scrolls Scroll of Geomancy Scroll of Spatial Mending Paladin Runes Priest Runes How to Get Priest Meditations Where to Find the Prophecy of a Desecrated Citadel Rogue Runes Shaman Runes Warlock Run...
Best Combat, Raids, and PvP Addons in WoW Classic Fresh Best Auction House Addons in WoW Classic Fresh Best WoW Classic Addons User Interface Questing Combat Dungeons and Raids Auction House Quality of Life Class Addons Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior ...
Basically, a weak aura to tell you when you would be able to do an action if this were still 2004’s client. Ironchain: That comment was made in response to someone asking for vanilla servers. Was used as a point of sarcasm. But it still holds up. Most players don’t want Vanilla...
Addons General You want any addon or weak aura that shows your auto shot swing so you can '''stutter-step'' aka move while your auto shot is going and then stand still for a brief moment to let it go off. It cannot be understated how important having and
There is very little benefit also for forcing classes like warriors to have a weak aura or macro to clear minor buffs that have limited impact so they don’t lose a key buff. However if there is a problem with some classes getting to strong, for example warriors due to b...
Classic Aura Durations By default, you cannot see the duration of debuffs when you target an enemy, even your own DoT effects. Classic Aura Durations puts a timer on the debuffs to how you how long is left, making it look closer to how it does in modern WoW. ...
truly step into the limelight. Thanks to the incredible buffs and scaling changes to both Hunters and their pets in TBC, Hunters rise straight to the top of the meters for the entire expansion. For Hunters, TBC is perhaps the strongest they will ever be out of any expansion in WoW's ...
Classic Druid Macros Macros are a great complement to addons for your WoW Classic experience, allowing you to do more with less buttons in your interface. For this reason, we recommend that you also read our Druid Macros page, in order to improve your gameplay experience!
Player vs Player is a huge part of what makes WoW Classic great, and while most addons are useful for all aspects of the game, some were made specifically with PvP in mind. 4.1. LoseControl LoseControlcreates an icon in the center of your screen whenever you lose control of your charact...