There are also many general weak auras available, such as: Combat Timeshows a timer when you are in combat, useful to instantly know when you are in / out of combat; Max Cameraautomatically sets the maximum amount you can zoom out with your camera higher than the UI normally allows, whic...
cool; but high stacks, bad news. Some classes, like Demon Hunters or Druids, have tricks to deal with it, like immunity abilities to prevent future stacks or mass dispel to clear current ones.
The cost is unchanged for Guardian Druids in Bear Form.All 10.1.5 Balance ChangesDevelopers’ note: The following changes are working toward providing more build diversity for Balance Druids, though we’re happy with the current builds and want them to remain popular. We’d like Stellar Flare...
In addition to the choice of class, each class has three differentspecializationsor 'specs' (druids have four, demon hunters have two). Each specialization represents a very different approach to playing the class, offering numerous new abilities and often changing the combat role the character is...
The last guardian before the Emperor stands before you. Magmus isn’t hard once you know the only surprise feature of this battle. The statues on each side of the corridor actually are Flamethrowing devices, they activate when you engage Magmus. ...
Druid Balance: Mastery Feral: Critical Strike Guardian: Mastery Restoration: Haste Hunter Beast Mastery: Mastery Marksmanship: Critical Strike Survival: Multistrike Mage Arcane: Mastery Fire: Critical Strike Frost: Multistrike Monk Brewmaster: Critical Strike Mistweaver: Multistrike Windwalker: Multi...
WeakAuras 2 for Classic Druids Weak Auras 2allows you to configure all types of warnings for yourself with a simple user interface. Due to its large user base, there is a huge library of auras already created for you to import at theWago classic Druid section, make sure to check it out...