A threat meter is indispensable for raiding in WoW Classic, as you should always aim to Heal or deal as much DPS as possible without pulling threat from the tanks. We recommend using the TinyThreat plugin forDetails Damage Meter. which you can find out how to configure in this video, byA...
Classic Aura Durations; Weak Auras 2; Clique; (Heal) VuhDo; (Heal) Heal Comm Classic; (Heal) Five Second Rule. Warlock Addons for Warlocks make tracking DoTs and soul shards much simpler, saving you from micromanagement. They also help with pet control and cooldown tracking, ensuring you ...
If you want a similar addon but with more feature, you should try Xyz's addon named RougeUI :https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/rougeui For more addons and such questions you can find me on Silent Shadow discord, on addons/macros/weak aura channels.https://discord.gg/MCmBDx3MmC...
yeah seconding this, still can’t see the weak aura links. Would love to have them 0 Reply lettara Author Reply to Roghane 2 years ago Very happy to see there’s interest in my WeakAuras! I have edited the guide and pivoted away from pastebin for the import codes– the code...
Basically, a weak aura to tell you when you would be able to do an action if this were still 2004’s client. That is entirely unnecessary. You don’t understand the batching changes, do you? When I’m able to do an action is determined by the global cooldown, not batching. Batching...
Addons General You want any addon or weak aura that shows your auto shot swing so you can '''stutter-step'' aka move while your auto shot is going and then stand still for a brief moment to let it go off. It cannot be understated how important having and
Basically, a weak aura to tell you when you would be able to do an action if this were still 2004’s client. Ironchain: That comment was made in response to someone asking for vanilla servers. Was used as a point of sarcasm. But it still holds up. Most players don’t want Vanilla...
Classic Aura Durations By default, you cannot see the duration of debuffs when you target an enemy, even your own DoT effects. Classic Aura Durations puts a timer on the debuffs to how you how long is left, making it look closer to how it does in modern WoW. ...
Range Self Only - 0 yards - 0 yards Cast time Instant Cooldown 0 second(s) Duration n/a GCD Time n/a Channeled No School Arcane Mechanic n/a Resource Type Mana Dispel Type None GCD Category n/a Effect #1 - Apply Aura Mod Confuse ...
Weak Aura in of itself is just a big editing addon, it can do nearly anything you want it to and could likely be the only addon you’d ever need if not for the potential lag it’d likely cause. How can Blizzard stop someone like Fojji or BillisOnyxia from selling their Weak Auras...