Welcome to our WoW Classic leveling guide for warriors! The tough and mighty warrior certainly makes for one of the strongest late-game classes for damage or tanking, but it balances out with a fairly weak leveling experience. If you’re feeling frustrat
Rogues can fully tank 5mans, 10mans, off-tanking and main-tank raids. But, this is reliant on personal and guild experience. I should point out, a rogue’s overall defensive statistics will never approach a warrior’s. However, it isn’t necessary to do so to tank....
Warrior is the best tank in WoW Classic, being the only class that receives tanking bonuses from their set items. The Protection Tree provides strong defensive abilities, such asImproved Shield Block, which turnShield Blockinto a tanking powerhouse, capable of warding off damage that would smash ...
Has the widest array of tanking tools in WoW Classic, and all sets except AQ40's are tanking oriented in stats and set bonuses. 3. Warrior Weaknesses as a Tank More unforgiving of mistakes or improper play compared to other tanks, especially when using an offensive build that only uses shi...
For Tanking Human Warrior is hands down the top race and class combo in WoW Classic. The secret that makes Humans so good at tanking lies in their excellent weapon specialization: Sword Specialization – Increases your Swords skill by 5
being said, with a lack of skills when it comes to tanking your first couple of dungeons, speccing into Improved Rend in the Arms tree first will help with threat generation more than anything else. It’s a decent enough spec for Prot Warrior leveling, but don’t expect quick and easy ...
2h + Rockbiter + Earthbind kiting is always more damage dealt and less damage taken than 1h/shield facetanking. After 30, you NEVER want to use windfury with a 2hander for leveling because it tends to “waste” damage on overkill. You still either use 2h/rockbiter/earthbind as the most...
Discovery. Thanks to a couple of new runes, Shamans not only get ataunt abilitybut evenbuffs that reduce their damageand increase theirthreat generation. So, yeah, even though we joked about Shaman tanks back in the earlyWoWdays, Blizzard made it a reality. Are Shamans good at tanking,...