Rogues can fully tank 5mans, 10mans, off-tanking and main-tank raids. But, this is reliant on personal and guild experience. I should point out, a rogue’s overall defensive statistics will never approach a warrior’s. However, it isn’t necessary to do so to tank....
As a Warrior, Agility increases your dodge, your armor and your critical chance. This makes it a rather valuable stat for tanking. 3.10. Critical Strike Critical Strike allows you to have higher uptime onFlurryin PvE, if specced into it in later phases, and increases your threat generation ...
The warrior has been and always will be the premier choice for tanking dungeons and especially endgame raid-content in WoW Classic. However, Warrior tanking has changed much from 2005 to nowadays. While it used to be all about being as beefy as possible,
Warriorsarethe undisputed kings of WoW Classic tanking, being capable of swapping between excellent defensive capabilities plus decent threat building, or excellent threat building plus decent defensive capabilities. They also have multiple ways to taunt back enemies, or otherwise catch up and crowd cont...
being said, with a lack of skills when it comes to tanking your first couple of dungeons, speccing into Improved Rend in the Arms tree first will help with threat generation more than anything else. It’s a decent enough spec for Prot Warrior leveling, but don’t expect quick and easy ...
Discovery. Thanks to a couple of new runes, Shamans not only get ataunt abilitybut evenbuffs that reduce their damageand increase theirthreat generation. So, yeah, even though we joked about Shaman tanks back in the earlyWoWdays, Blizzard made it a reality. Are Shamans good at tanking,...
Well as dumb as twohanded tanking is, it sounds like he tanked with twohanded and intends on doing further tanking as twohanded so from my pov it’s fine, dumb…but fine. 1 Reply 2Amntir <Paradigm> 468 posts 60 Human Warrior 0 16d the loot rolls literally say NEED: you need the...
It’s pretty much a joke how the weapon skill massively favors human and all the best tanking weapons are swords, on top of paladins being far stronger. Actually the druid buff will be stronger than WF totems because apparently it works with weapon items like sharps and poisons, so big ...