This means that 100 Spell Damage on your gear would cause Fireball to deal 100 extra damage per cast, but Frostbolt would only deal 81 extra damage, using the same gear. A table with the exact coefficients for all spells in WoW Classic can be found in this reddit thread, by u/RobertVe...
Every spell benefits differently from Healing Power because of these coefficients. The coefficient is calculated by dividing the cast time of a spell by 3.5; this is because a 3.5 second cast benefits 100% from any added Healing Power. For example, if you have 20 additional Healing Power from...
Spell coefficients favor corruption. Corruption: 18/15 = 1.2 adjusted to 1 as 1 is max Shadowbolt: 3/3.5 = .857 So there you have it. There’s the proof. The numbers don’t lie. At this point you’re probably just trolling or you’re severely mentally handicapped, but there it is...
The balancing changes throughout vanilla made a difference, particularly the talents, but even if those were undone, the fact players would drop 200 Stamina for 150 more Spell Power would be unheard of back in vanilla. People wouldn’t chug potions on cooldown, let alone use Flasks of Distil...
A table with the exact coefficients for all spells in WoW Classic can be found in this reddit thread, by u/RobertVests. 2.3. Spell Critical Strike Spell Critical Strike allows your spells to occasionally deal extra damage. Fire crits are especially powerful due to Spell Power and Ignite ...