To be clear, I have absolutely zero experience with the Classic Negative film simulation. There’s only a Small sampling of examples that I could find online. I have used Superia film before, but sometimes the film simulations aren’t exact matches to the film they’re supposed to look like...
Picking the names of film simulations Classic negative was initially called “Superia.” However, the name has changed due to various reasons. ACROS was ACROS from the beginning to the end. And more “color depth” is “tonality.” Brightness tonality, hue tonality, saturation...
but the value of Fujifilm’s film simulations. For those who don’t shoot Fujifilm digital, I completely understand their confusion over our collective fanaticism with the film simulation profiles.
After she was done capturing pictures, I shot with her settings for a little while myself. I really like the moody and nostalgic feeling that this Film Simulation Recipe produces. It has a retro negative film look, maybe along the lines of Fujicolor Super HQ or Agfa XRG or something like...
This review is of the edited TV-14 version of the film. All thoughts below should be addressed as such as a review of the unedited version would be more negative The Blair Witch Project is definitely a very well known movie. Just about anyone who is familiar with the horror genre will ...
Recently, I’ve been shooting a lot of footage on the Fuji X-T2, and have been absolutely loving the film simulation modes.In particular, I really love the “Classic Chrome” film simulation that this camera (and others by Fuji) offer, and I certainly know I’m not alone. ...
Episode 2 of "The World of Film Simulation" has been published at FujifilmXworld. An excerpt: "The saturation is the lowest among all film simulations. The satu
Positive values give forward scattering, 0 gives isotropic scattering, and negative values give backscattering. Range is -1 (full backscattering) to 1 (full forward scattering). The value depends on the type of material you are trying to model. For example, skin is highly forward scattering, ...
While the “Babes” may act as the motivating force in the hackneyed plot, they still only exist to shake it for Duke, breed with aliens, or otherwise suffer unless the player takes pity and initiates mercy killings.Duke Nukem 3Dpresents a negative consequence to ending their innocent lives,...