{% image iter.author.image fill-50x50 as img %}{% if iter.author.website %}{{ iter.author.name }}{% else %} {{ iter.author.name }}# 有链接就写链接,没有就直接上文本{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% if self.intro_image %}{% image self.intro_image fill-1400x400 as intro_img ...
Position Get the position of this RoundedCorner. Radius Returns the radius of a quarter circle approximation of this RoundedCorner. ThresholdClass This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from Object) ThresholdType...
三个可对图片应用简单样式的 class: .img-rounded:添加border-radius:6px来获得图片圆角。 .img-circle:添加border-radius:50%来让整个图片变成圆形。 .img-thumbnail 请看下面的实例演示: 实例 结果如下所示: 类 以下类可用于任何图片中。 响应式图片 通过在 标签添加 .img-responsive 类来让图片支持响...
Returns (x * y) + z, rounded as one ternary operation. IEEERemainder(Double, Double) Returns the remainder resulting from the division of a specified number by another specified number. ILogB(Double) Returns the base 2 integer logarithm of a specified number. ...
三个可对图片应用简单样式的 class: .img-rounded:添加 border-radius:6px 来获得图片圆角。...请看下面的实例演示: 实例 class="img-rounded"> class="img-circle"> class="img-thumbnail"> 结果如下所示: ?...img-responsive 类将 max-width: 100%; 和 height: auto; 样式应用在图片上: 实例 class...
DrawCircle(Single, Single, Single, SKPaint) Draws a circle on the canvas. (Inherited fromSKCanvas) DrawCircle(SKPoint, Single, SKPaint) Draws a circle on the canvas. (Inherited fromSKCanvas) DrawColor(SKColor, SKBlendMode) Fills the current clipping area with the specified color using the...
{ // Fill in circle context.SetFillColor (Color); context.SetShadowWithColor (SizeF.Empty, 10.0f, glowColor); context.EOFillPath(); } } // To use the code: void SetupViews (UIView view, UIView view2) { view.Layer.Delegate = new DemoLayerDelegate (); view2.Layer.Delegate = new...
Gets or sets whether joined lines are mitered, rounded, or beveled. LineLength Gets the length of the line that is represented by the shape node. LineWidth Gets or sets the width of drawn lines. MiterLimit Gets or sets the maximum miter length allowed. Miters that would be longer than th...
new Circle(point1, point2, pointNum) 使用点几何体作为控制点构造圆,控制点数量为2,且不可以重复。 Parameters: NameTypeDefaultDescription point1 module:geom~Point 控制点1,即圆心。 point2 module:geom~Point 控制点2,即圆边线上一个点。 pointNum Number 100 构成圆的边的数量,默认是100,可选项。