CMOS-integrated class AB amplifierthe output stage amplifier includes a bipolar npn transistor (t1) and a mos transistor with channel n (t3) connected in series to a push - pull 'floor'.BERTAILS JEAN-CLAUDEPERRIN CHRISTIANTALLARON LOUIS
- Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 64-11, Section: B, page: 5697.;Chair: Lawrence E. Lar 被引量: 19发表: 2003年 A Novel Class AB CMOS Power Amplifier CMOS analogue integrated circuitscompensationelectric distortionpower amplifierspower integrated circuits/ class AB input stageCMOS ...
摘要: Properly biased CMOS invertors may be used as amplifiers in switched-capacitor filters. They are capable of fast settling and low noise at very low power. The principle of operation and three possible implementations are described.关键词: field effect transistor circuit class AB amplifier ...
今天就来读一读这篇论文《A compact power-efficient 3 V CMOS rail-to-rail input/output operational amplifier for VLSI cell libraries》,并结合Ivanov的理解谈一谈这个结构。 class AB的浮动电流源结构是很常用的,相信大家也在各种书里见过,非常神奇,它为输出级n管和p管提供偏置,同时提供VG之间的一个电压差...
doi:10.1080/21681724.2017.1376710Akbari, MeysamHashemipour, OmidInternational Journal of ElectronicsM. Akbari, and O. Hashemipour, "A super class-AB adaptive biasing amplifier in 65-nm CMOS technology," International Journal of Electronics Letters, pp. 1-13, 2017....
R. van Dongen and V. Rikkink, "A 1.5V class AB CMOS buffer amplifier for driving low-resistance loads," IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 30, pp. 1333- 1338, December 1995.A 1.5V class AB CMOS buffer amplifier for driving low-resistance loads - Dongen, Rikkink - 1995 () ...
United States Patent US5854573 Note: If you have problems viewing the PDF, please make sure you have the latest version ofAdobe Acrobat. Back to full text
In order to increase the unity gain frequency and slewrate and work under lowsupply voltage while reducing the bias current,an improved AB class amplifier based on 0. 18 μm CMOS process was designed. A multi-stage amplifier structure was adopted in the designed amplifier. The first stage was...
A 60-GHz dual-mode power amplifier (PA) is implemented in 40-nm bulk CMOS technology. To boost the amplifier performance at millimeter-wave (mm Wave) frequencies, a new transistor layout is proposed to minimize the device and interconnect parasitics while the neutralized amplifier stage is co-...
实验室组会上提到了这个class AB输出结构,很有意思,是竞赛的题目。这篇论文非常经典,也被Sansen收录在他的圣经著作中,这种偏置结构他称之为translinear loop。 今天就来读一读这篇论文《A compact power-efficient 3 V CMOS rail-to-rail input/output operational amplifier for VLSI cell libraries》,并结合Ivanov...