file: "clash-verge-service", downloadURL: `${SERVICE_URL}/clash-verge-service`, file: "clash-verge-service" + ext, downloadURL: `${SERVICE_URL}/clash-verge-service${ext}`, }); }; const resolveInstall = () => resolveResource({ file: "install-service.exe", downloadURL: `${SERVICE...
It is now read-only. Service Mode 问题#306ClosedDescription FoundTheWOUT opened on Nov 27, 2022 v1.2.0(已重新安装服务模式) 服务模式下启动软件时和切换 clash core 时无法正确加载 profile AssigneesNo one assigned LabelsNo labels ProjectsNo projects MilestoneNo milestone RelationshipsNone yet Developme...
mixed-port: 7890 redir-port: 7892 authentication: [""] allow-lan: true mode: Rule log-level: info ipv6: false external-controller: :9999 external-ui: ui secret: tun: {enable: false} experimental: {ignore-resolve-fail: true, interface-name: en0} dns: {enable: true, ipv6: false, li...
ignore-resolve-fail: true# RESTful API 的口令secret: ''# 您可以将静态网页资源(如 clash-dashboard)放置在一个目录中,clash 将会服务于 `RESTful API/ui`# 参数应填写配置目录的相对路径或绝对路径。external-ui: '/root/.config/clash/dashboard'dns: ...
ignore-resolve-fail: true # RESTful API 的口令 secret: '' # 您可以将静态网页资源(如 clash-dashboard)放置在一个目录中,clash 将会服务于 `RESTful API/ui` # 参数应填写配置目录的相对路径或绝对路径。 # external-ui: './dashboard' dns: ...
Can I delete NT SERVICE\SQLWriter and NT SERVICE\Winmgmt logins? Can I EXECUTE a SQL Server Stored Procedure with Parameters and store the result set to a CTE Table so that I can then UNION to it Can I find out the "Listener" name through a SQL Server Query Can i give a rollup a...
Can I delete NT SERVICE\SQLWriter and NT SERVICE\Winmgmt logins? Can I EXECUTE a SQL Server Stored Procedure with Parameters and store the result set to a CTE Table so that I can then UNION to it Can I find out the "Listener" name through a SQL Server Query Can i give a rollup...
All of my calls and e-mail are forwarded to it. People who contact me by IM do so — or fail to — through that device. It’s the only way I can find my route to unfamiliar destinations. I use the device to get my news, check site statistics, and keep track of my servers. ...
Play NEW F1® Clash for FREE! Test your wits and emerge victorious in the definitive F1® motorsport manager experience on mobile — F1® Clash! Compete in thrill…