进入安装目录/resources/static/files/win/common目录,拷贝service.yml文件到 1 中新建目录中 在1 中新建目录中,使用管理员权限打开 CMD 执行一下命令: service.exe install service.exe start 如果install 时出现如下提示: Service with id 'Clash Core Service' already exists To install the service, delete the...
1. 点击General中Service Mode右边Manage,在打开窗口中安装服务模式,安装完成应用会自动重启,Service Mode 右边地球图标变为绿色即安装成功。 2. 点击General中TUN Mode右边开关启动 TUN 模式。 TAP模式简略步骤 1. 点击General页面中TAP Device选项的Manage按钮,在弹出对话框中选择Install将会安装 TAP 网卡,此网卡用于...
错误提示failed to start service with status 6或者failed to install service with status 6。 程序内部调用sc命令得到exitcode为6。暂不清楚原因。 解决方法:手动新建一个install.bat内容如下: sc create clash_verge_service binpath=E:\\path\\to\\clash-verge-service.exe type=own start=AUTO displayname=...
复现步骤 / Step to reproduce 以管理员身份打开PowerShell,输入 cd "\?\C:\Program Files (x86)\Clash Nyanpasu" ./nyanpasu-service install 预期行为 / Expected behavior nyanpasu-service安装成功 实际行为 / Actual behavior 错误如下: PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> cd
.NET Console application crashes with 'Has stopped working' with Error Code: Exception code: 0xe0434f4d in Windows 10 .NET equivalent of CreateObject and GetObject .NET Windows Servcie unable to install with InstallUtil.exe .NET: what is different between Date and DateTime? 'Application' is ...
Web Messenger is the most graceful way to send mail to new users. An e-mail from the Web Messenger service lets the recipient know there is a secured message waiting for them. A link takes them back to the SSL-secured Web portal, where they then create an account, log in, and downloa...
Can I delete NT SERVICE\SQLWriter and NT SERVICE\Winmgmt logins? Can I EXECUTE a SQL Server Stored Procedure with Parameters and store the result set to a CTE Table so that I can then UNION to it Can I find out the "Listener" name through a SQL Server Query Can i give a rollup ...
Not for their people the cost of failing to install a infrastructure to be adaptable to all the different energy production sources. All our failings are diluted, even concealed by the agreement of all the political parties to make stopping Climate Change across the country and the world their...
"clash-verge-service.exe", "install-service.exe", "uninstall-service.exe", ]; // copy the resource file // if the source file is newer than the destination file, copy it over for file in file_list.iter() { let src_path = res_dir.join(file); let dest_path = service_dir.join(...
Dec 12, 20243 mins Artificial Intelligence video Text drawing and screen capture with Python's Pillow library Nov 25, 20243 mins Python video Use \"__main__\" in Python to make packages runnable Nov 22, 20243 mins Python