fake-ip(tun mode/tun mix mode) + gvisor network stack 我的测试方法: 我最早是因为windows时钟不准才发现了这个问题(我的电脑通过openwrt路由器上网,openclash运行在路由器上),我尝试在openwrt系统上以及wsl中运行ntpdate [-u] -p 1 ntp.aliyun.com来更新时钟(ntp使用UDP端口123),发现大概率更新失败,使用...
enhanced-mode: fake-ip fake-ip-range: fake-ip-filter: ##Custom fake-ip-filter## '*.lan' 'time.windows.com' 'time.nist.gov' 'time.apple.com' 'time.asia.apple.com' '*.ntp.org.cn' '*.openwrt.pool.ntp.org' 'time1.cloud.tencent.com' 'time.ustc.edu.cn' 'pool....
不开启fake-ip的情况下,如果主dns响应为国内ip,直接使用,如果为国外ip,则通过fallback dns再次查询。
Fake IP is also supported. Rules based off domains, GEOIP, IP CIDR or ports to forward packets to different proxy Remote groups allow users to implement powerful rules. Supports automatic fallback, load balancing or auto select proxy based off latency Remote providers, allowing users to get ...
fake-ip-range: Fake IP addresses pool CIDR # Hostnames in this list will not be resolved with fake IPs # i.e. questions to these domain names will always be answered with their # real IP addresses # fake-ip-filter: ...
true# 启用 DNS 功能ipv6:false# 禁用 IPv6 DNS 解析(如果不需要 IPv6 支持,建议禁用)default-nameserver:# 默认 DNS 服务器列表(用于解析国内域名或直连域名)- 阿里云 DNS - # DNSPod DNSenhanced-mode:fake-ip # 增强模式:使用 fake-ip 技术,为所有 DNS 查询返回虚假 IP 地址,...
打开OpenClash 的「全局配置」,先配置模式,我选择的是「Fake-IP(增强)模式」,配置好之后,点击「应用配置」,就可以了。 「基本配置」我基本没改。 「DNS 设置」如上。其他都没怎么改。 如何使用 OpenClash 默认首页是「运行状态」页面,很方便看到当前的状态。使用 OpenClash 有两种方式: ...
具有更高的优先级 (foo.example.com 优先于 *.example.com) # # 注意: hosts 在 fake-ip 模式下不生效 # hosts: # '*.clash.dev': # 'alpha.clash.dev': '::1' dns: enable: true ipv6: false # listen: # enhanced-mode: redir-host # 或 fake-ip # # fake-ip...
# real IP addresses # fake-ip-filter: # - '*.lan' # - localhost.ptlogin2.qq.com # Supports UDP, TCP, DoT, DoH. You can specify the port to connect to. # All DNS questions are sent directly to the nameserver, without proxies # involved. Clash answers the DNS question with the fi...
with their real IP addresses fake-ip-filter: ‘.lan’ localhost.ptlogin2.qq.com Supports UDP, TCP, DoT, DoH. You can specify the port to connect to. All DNS questions are sent directly to the nameserver, without proxies involved. Clash answers the DNS question with the first result ...