fake-ip(tun mode/tun mix mode) + gvisor network stack 我的测试方法: 我最早是因为windows时钟不准才发现了这个问题(我的电脑通过openwrt路由器上网,openclash运行在路由器上),我尝试在openwrt系统上以及wsl中运行ntpdate [-u] -p 1 ntp.aliyun.com来更新时钟(ntp使用UDP端口123),发现大概率更新失败,使用...
自行在openclash启动脚本/etc/init.d/openclash中的set_firewall()函数部分的最后手动加入需要执行的iptables,例如本issue的需求在使用TUN模式时就可以通过下述命令实现,其中192.168.1.2/30为跳过进入clash的IP-CIDR,此IP范围内的主机需要为其设置标准DNS以避免clash的fakeIP影响。 iptables -t mangle -I openclash -...
不开启fake-ip的情况下,如果主dns响应为国内ip,直接使用,如果为国外ip,则通过fallback dns再次查询。
vim /etc/config/network 找到option ipaddr xxxx改成你想要的 IP 地址,比方说192.169.31.99。 最后重启: 123 /etc/init.d/network restart# orreboot 然后访问 就可以看到 OpenWrt 的界面了,默认账号密码root/password。 修改LEDE 网络为全双工 去VMM 关掉 LEDE 网络- 修改网络为e1000...
with their real IP addresses fake-ip-filter: ‘.lan’ localhost.ptlogin2.qq.com Supports UDP, TCP, DoT, DoH. You can specify the port to connect to. All DNS questions are sent directly to the nameserver, without proxies involved. Clash answers the DNS question with the first result ...
fake-ip-range: # Fake IP addresses pool CIDR use-hosts: true # lookup hosts and return IP record Hostnames in this list will not be resolved with fake IPs i.e. questions to these domain names will always be answered with their real IP addresses fake-ip-filter: –‘....
0.1/16 # Fake IP addresses pool CIDR # Hostnames in this list will not be resolved with fake IPs # i.e. questions to these domain names will always be answered with their # real IP addresses # fake-ip-filter: # - '*.lan' # - localhost.ptlogin2.qq.com # Supports UDP, TCP, ...
fake-ip-filter: #以下域名列表参考自 vernesong/OpenClash 项目,并由 Hackl0us 整理补充 #=== LAN === -'*.lan' #=== Linksys Wireless Router === -'*.linksys.com' -'*.linksyssmartwifi.com' #=== Apple Software Update Service === ...
手动尝试在Fake-IP-Filter加geosite:cn,但没生效。 lovexiaofan123 added the enhancement label Oct 4, 2024 lovexiaofan123 changed the title [Feature] 0.46.033开fakeip并开绕过大陆,但还是有部分的国内地址进内核 [Feature] 0.46.038开fakeip并开绕过大陆,但还是有部分的国内地址进内核 Oct 4, 2024 ... domain: "+.google.com" "+.facebook.com" "+.youtube.com" "+.githubusercontent.com" "+.googlevideo.com" "+.msftconnecttest.com" "+.msftncsi.com" listen: fake-ip-filter: "+.*" proxy-groups: name: 奶茶Cloud type: select proxies: 自动选择 故障转移...