nodgui - Bindings for the Tk toolkit, based on Ltk, with syntax sugar and additional widgets. LLGPL. 🎨 supports tk custom themes, such as ttkthemes and Forest-ttk-theme. supports an SDL frame as an alternative to the Tk canvas when fast rendering is needed. For 2D (pixel-based) ...
DATA: lr_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container, lr_alv2 TYPE REF TO lcl_alv, lt_tab TYPE TABLE OF spfli. "创建容器实例 IF cl_salv_table=>is_offline( ) = ''. CREATE OBJECT lr_container EXPORTING container_name = 'CONTAINER'. ...
nodgui - Bindings for the Tk toolkit, based on Ltk, with syntax sugar and additional widgets. LLGPL. 🎨 supports tk custom themes, such as ttkthemes and Forest-ttk-theme. supports an SDL frame as an alternative to the Tk canvas when fast rendering is needed. For 2D (pixel-based) ...
Probably the full code might help you understand. REPORT zhtml_example. DATA: ref_cont TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container, ref_html TYPE REF TO cl_gui_html_viewer, ts_data TYPE TABLE OF char255. CALL SCREEN 100. FORM display_html. DATA: w_url TYPE char255. IF ref_cont IS NOT ...
If i create a custom control in screen 100, the size of the alv will be different across different computer, is it possible to use CL_GUI_CONTAINER=>screen0 as cl_gui_splitter_container's attribute parent value??? and i find that there are 10 attributes named screen0 to screen9 in cl...
This previous got rebuilt from scratch over and over, since different queries being handed the same JS Metadata instance were returning completely separate MetadataProviders. The FE replaces the Me...
Client Hub is a mobile application that comes with SAP Mobile Platform SDK. When we have multiple enterprise applications in the device, Client Hub app helps to share
Well, the GUI tells us just as much, as shown here. In the preceding image, I have two sections highlighted with red. The first of note is evidence that this is the gui for SSAS. Note that the connection box states “Group of Olap servers.” The second area of note is the high...
nodgui - Bindings for the Tk toolkit, based on Ltk, with syntax sugar and additional widgets. LLGPL. 🎨 supports tk custom themes, such as ttkthemes and Forest-ttk-theme. supports an SDL frame as an alternative to the Tk canvas when fast rendering is needed. For 2D (pixel-based) ...