alv CL_GUI_CONTAINER容器 abap acs容器平台 项目中遇到的问题之ACS容器平台240秒断开空闲TCP连接: Eviction:驱逐。 validation:验证。 几个概念: ACS容器平台: 全称阿里云容器服务平台。使用它可以快速的把应用、服务器部署到阿里云计算平台上。 ACS包括集群管理、应用、服务、容器列表、监控等功能。基本涵盖容器服务应...
cl_gui_dialogbox_container 用于创建对话框容器,可以在其中添加不同的 UI 元素,如文本、输入字段、按钮等。然而,对话框通常是一种模态(阻塞式)操作,它需要等待用户的交互响应。由于在 at selection output 事件中,屏幕已经呈现给用户,程序需要等待用户的响应,因此这是一个适合创建对话框的时机。 在at selection ou...
使用cl_gui_docking_container实现多ALV 这里仅仅是一个简单demo 效果 输入SO,获取DN和开票信息 具体请参考: 公众号文章 货铺QQ群号:834508274 进群统一修改群名片,例如BJ_ABAP_森林木。群内禁止发广告及其他一切无关链接...
Solved: I am trying to display 2 ALV's on single page using default screen cl_gui_container=>screen0. When I display a single ALV it works but when i use splitter
Solved: Hello experts, i come across a problem while using the class:CL_GUI_SPLITTER_CONTAINER , my codes is as follows: data:declarations is as follows: data:gr_spliter
1. Created Custom container - CONTAINER 2. In program defined and created custom container and custom alv grid g_custom_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container, alv_grid TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid. IF g_custom_container IS INITIAL. CREATE OBJECT g_custom_container EXPORTING contain...
Solved: Hi all, I want to separate a CL_GUI_DOCKING_CONTAINER in four parts. - - | | |--- - I had done this: dock_at_left extension = 300 repid = g_repid dynnr = '1001'
1分割左右2分割上下3上半部分割左右4下半部分分割左右 case iv_type.when1.ifgo_split1 is not bound.go_split1=newcl_gui_splitter_container(parent=go_cc rows=1columns=2).io_grid1=newcl_gui_alv_grid(go_split1->get_container(row=1column=1)).io_grid2=newcl_gui_alv_grid(go_split1->...
Solved: Hi, I am using CL_GUI_DOCKING_CONTAINER for grid display in the same selection screen. I am getting the output. But i am not able to reduce the width of the
Hello, May I know if it is possible to define our own buttun, if we use CL_GUI_DIALOGBOX_CONTAINER to create a dialog box. And how can I? thank you very much. Best